How to ID male and female papaya plants?

Orange, CA(Zone 10b)

I'm not sure if this is the right forum to post this or not.

I got some seeds from a store bought papaya, the Mexican kind, because it was yummy. I planted 3 seeds and now have 3 seedlings. I've been told that I need both male and female plants to get pollination. Is there any way to tell the difference b/t the two when they are just seedlings or small plants? If not then, when will it be possible to make that distinction? I'm thinking that I may need to get a few more seeds started just to cover my bases.

(Zone 2b)

You'll be able to tell the difference once they start flowering.

Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

I would start a good group... they are great to share and it will help the odds for male and female (the plants look great on their own too)

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