Calling all iris pros

Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

I forgot, I do zinnias, dahlias, and rudbekias and annual bachelor buttons too. Gotta have coreopsis, especially Ruby Limerick!

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

The bricks definitely gather & retain solar heat for that little flowerbed.
Cannas, glads. dahlias all thrive without winter protection or digging.

I also created a garden at the local Middle School nearby . It was 80 foot x 12 foot along a 30 foot high brick wall with Southern exposure. I maintained it for 9 years with a crew of kids until the new principal arrived. This bed is only 2 blocks from my house, but bloomed 3 weeks before my garden & kept blooming into December. My own little mini-climate. The new principal had to dig it up to repair some pipes & replaced with grass,. That's okay, but I wish they would have told me so I could have given all the perennials & blooming bushes away.

Roni, at least 1/2 of my snaps winter over if covered with mulch in a VERY windy yard. I cut them back to 3 inches tall in March & then wait to see if they wake up. Most do. I trim them like a mum to get more blooms & deadhead stalks. I have snapdragons blooming in June. Couldn't have a garden without them.

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