Show me your Pinks!

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

California Classic has a rosy glow to both the standards and the falls. Very ruffled, very nice!

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Concoction --an Intermediate that is kind of pink...

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)


Thumbnail by Elizabethtown
Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

and COCOA PINK which has just a hint of brown.

Thumbnail by Elizabethtown
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Wow! how could I forget this one ? Laurel Park with blooms bigger than my outstretched hand!

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Oops! Pictures tell a better story, don't they? Deep Salmon pink Laurel Park

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Arden (Asheville), NC(Zone 7a)

flowerfrenzy's photos of VENETIAN GLASS and KITTY KAY are beautiful.

I love VENETIAN GLASS, and managed to set a pod on it this year from Ghio's TREASURED. That's a cross that has wonderful potential.

Not only do the two parents share a common parent, FOGBOUND, but are rather similar and each has its own virtues and beauty. My hope is that in the highest quality seedling(s) there will be an intensification of the pink pigment.

Another FOGBOUND offspring, ADOREGON, another of Keppel's very fine introductions, bloomed here on a new plant this year. I hadn't been awestruck by his catalog photo of it, but thought the pedigree excellent.

When ADOREGON bloomed, I was in awe. It is beautiful!

With offspring like Ghio's, Keppel's and what I see here in my own seedlings from FOGBOUND, I am saying (prophetically) that the variety is one of those all-time great parents, a "benchmark" in quality like the historics DOMINION, SNOW FLURRY, PINK TAFFETA and otherts deep in the pedigrees of our wonderful modern iris. I'd rate FOGBOUND right up there with those great champions.

I told Keith I thought this, and his response was reserved. He said, "It's too early to tell."

His humility and hard work, plus compassionate and caring friendship which I have treasured for many years, are awsome.

Bill Marriott told me that Keith is considered by many to be number one among the Northwest hybridizers. I'd go farther. I'd say, that among him, Joe Ghio and Barry Blyth the world of irises, our gardens have been wonderfully enhanced. Right up there with these giants I'd add Paul Black, the Schreiners, Adkins and Rick Tasco. They all have produced some wonderful irises. There are countless others who have made wonderful and beautiful additions, including Fred Kerr, the Suttons and many others. Their labors of love and careful selection for quality is remarkable.

Well, it is early, I admit, but I seek out FOGBOUND offspring to use in my own crosses without reservation. I see many good to excellent qualities in its offspring.

Here below is an example of my own. The pedigree is Power Woman: (Swingtown x Romantic Evening) X Fogbound. This cross, and another made in the reverse direction with Fogbound as pod parent, contained a number of beauties. This one is the stand-out. Because the photo is by flash, the color is a bit richer than in real life, but does display the rich, silky texture I like so much. Another view of this is in a photo website, the URL I don't remember right now. If I did, I'd post it.

Neil Mogensen

Thumbnail by nmogens
Arden (Asheville), NC(Zone 7a)

The website I couldn't recall offhand is:

In the seedlings folder, R 19-2 is shown in photos from different years, different lighting. Each reveals something of its charm and quality.

Neil Mogensen

Vancouver, WA(Zone 7a)


Much admiration for you crosses. Something I'm just trying my hand at for the first time this year! I agree that Venetian Glass x Treasured has great potential. Looking forward to seeing pics of those seedlings in the near future!

Thanks for the compliments on my photos. There's a shot of 'Adoregon' in the blue section of these posts.

I love 'Power Woman'! Has that one officially been introduced...or will it be soon? I'd love to add it to my garden!

This message was edited Aug 9, 2005 9:16 AM

Arden (Asheville), NC(Zone 7a)

Denise Stewart at Snowpeak and I are debating about the introduction of POWER WOMAN. The individual bloom is magnificent, but the branching is not. At best it will have a good branch plus a spur. What saves it is a potential for up to four, typically three, buds in the terminal and on the branch, with at least one and sometimes two in the spur.

When increase is abundant, part of it will send up bloomstalks somewhat later than the main fan. None of the plants I sent out as guests in various parts of the country--and for the Portland Convention of the AIS next spring--have been reported to show what I am describing. One grower said the stalk at his place had three buds.

That is not encouraging. Introduction remains to be seen. Some of the offspring, however, are sure bets I think.

Neil Mogensen

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

I'm planting more dwarfs since it extends my iris season...

Pink Prevue was a good performer this year!

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

It occurs to me that I over-looked the one pink I always wait for each year: Raspberry Blush! Intermediate & thick with blooms....

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Langley, BC, BC(Zone 8b)

in the background of your pic of Playgirl there is another interesting iris that appears to be pink with a creamy yellow centre and some brown??

what is it, please tell

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

we had our big iris club give way last night .
every one got 4 to 5 iris .
i got Artist Palette
Air force One
First Wave
I was 4th. on list but there was no 2005 that I wanted so i got older ones.
we had pot luck dinner and then free iris ,can't beat that ?
But time to pay the Piper, set up For fall sale
this after noon. We ordered over a thousand la. and sib. iris . alot of the la. are Pryors .
Wish you all was closer this is going to be a big sale
half price of catalog on most

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Tazzy--I wish we had something like that around here. I'm going to take your advice & open my iris gardens to the public in the spring. Maybe I will find some more people to band together & enjoy the iris with me!

Role Model bloomed well for me last year, but frost got it this year.

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers

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