Squash Problems

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Most of my squash is doing poorly! The plants are gorgeous, and spreading everywhere, but all too often, the flowers are rotting and falling off their stems. In other cases, this is what I'm seeing...

Thumbnail by Sequee
Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Ooops! thats the rotting flowers. Here's the "other" issue!

Thumbnail by Sequee
Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Well, darn! Looks like I missed it again. Perhaps a "verbal" picture wioll work! LOL! I'm finding the stems just sticking right up, with nothing on them. Looks like the tops were just snapped off. Any ideas?

This is the ONLY squash I've gotten so far off my Bon Bon! Isn't she a beaut!?

Thumbnail by Sequee
Spokane Valley, WA(Zone 5b)

In your first pic, the flower on the very left is a female (that bulbous thing will become fruit if the flower was properly pollinated), while the two in the middle are males. The flowers are supposed to wither and fade over time. :)

I cannot advise on the leaves, but that squash sure is a pretty one!

(Edited for typos)

This message was edited Jul 23, 2005 1:43 PM

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

WoW! Thank you soooo much for that bit of news! I did not know that the "boys" would wither away - what a relief. Now I can start being optimistic again!

He's a better shot of the bon-bon!

Thumbnail by Sequee
Victorville, CA

What kind of sqash is "Bon-bon"? Is it like a zuccini or more like a pumpkin?

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

I haven't eaten it yet, but I understand it is a buttercup squash, with sweet orange flesh.

Victorville, CA

Let us know jow it turns out, I tried table queen acorn squash and only got two off of it. The chickens ate the one and the other only got as big as a baseball and then the whole plant died.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

I'm thinking quash are very contrary to grow. I have never gotten more then once squash per plant. I'll keep trying though! Never say die! LOL! (Yes, I do know what all I could be growing in that space, but...!)

Millbury, MA(Zone 5a)

Hi Sequee,

Usually squash are really EASY to grow. Haven't you heard any of the jokes about locking your car so you won't come back to find it full of zucchinis? Having said that, though, last year I got NO zucchinis cause the @#%^* cucumber beetles got the plant first. This year I've had a mildew problem (despite a mini drought, go figure!), but I still have a refrigerator full of crookneck yellow squash and the zucchini, which got planted late, is starting to come into it's own. As far as Winter squash is concerned, I've always had pretty good luck with the good old standard butternut.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

HA! I laugh! 3 years I've been trying...

Victorville, CA

I did get lots of zukes and got some yellow crookkneck but I really, really wanted the acorn squash. Next year I will plant much more of it. This year was a season of learning for me cuz this is a new house and new garden.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Hi Sequee, I have trouble growing squash too. My yellow crookneck seem to do fine but I got only 2 zucchini off the vines this year. Been that way for the past w years. I always amend the soil and add fertilizer but to no avail. Think I will plant something else next year and give the squash a rest.


Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

My Jarahdale is busy growing another baby! I'm so excited! I wonder how big he will get before the first frost hits?

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