morning glory

Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

hi :)

im pretty new to propogation

hard or soft for morning glory? water? rooting hormone and dirt? help... lol

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


I'm surprised to see you ask this. My morning glories act like annuals. After they bloom for a while, they make seeds, then they die. I let the seeds fall off, and they start all over again. Very easy growing from seed.

Do you have morning glories that are perennials? What kind are they?

Thanks for letting me side track you.


Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

yea, well i guess, in my area they stay green all year actually im in 9b

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Maybe because I am in 10b and it's so darned hot they get tired of it. :^)))) But they do put off a lot of seeds and self sow if my little garden helper doesn't collect them first.

If you were to take cuttings, try this, using each a green stem and a slender hardwood cut. Look at this link, the first posting by Artcons. He has been extremely successful at growing from cuttings using his method.

He recently brought me some pots and the 2 litre bottles. I used his method for butterfly bush cuttings and they are doing quite well. (Previously, my methods were only getting me about a 10% success rate)


Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

yea i think i am just going to try it with both green and hardwood

my neighbor has a Fascination with trimming all her plants BLEH! i say let them grow, so ill go trim her glory and see what i can do:)

i never thought of using 2ltr bottles that is a great idea! i put little laundy baskets over mine mostly to keep the dog out of them lol!

How exciting. Thanks for sharing this. I have a star jasmin I want to try and root, but have been scared? to do so. *smile* Yeah, I know ... silly, but the only thing I've rooted are herbs. I've been using a zip lock bag over the top of the pots and placing chop sticks, plastic forks, etc. to hold the bag up. will give this a try, also. Am loving trying all these new ideas!

Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

arnt they great, ive decided insted of buying soda in cans i have to buy it in bottles now, forget recycling for $$ now i will recycle to the plants:)

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