Juanulloa mexicana

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

These are the most beautiful color of orange. Especially when the sun is shining through them.

The actual flower tube is a darker version of orange, and sort of coral colored...

It is a lot like solandra maxima in habit...and, similarly (and unfortunately) more tender than my zone, so keep it potted...

Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX
Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Thats beautiful!

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

wow what a beauty

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh how lovely, do you get them from cuttings, or seeds. I would love to find some.


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you Shelly and Donna!

Doris-I was given this plant from my friend who is head of horticulture at our local botanical gardens and conservatory. (We did a large, and really fun swap). She said they were rare..., but I did notice yesterday, that butterflybyrobin sells them on ebay. (She is a member of Dave's) and has a photo of it in the plantfiles, as well as her link...
If you are interested, she usually has great plants for great prices. She sells for growers, and the plants come from Houston area...

Livermore, CA(Zone 9a)

I have been really intrigued by this plant. I think I am going to have to order me one.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Have you ever grown solandra maxima? It is just like that....kinda clumsy and sprawling if you don't tie it up. It does not climb on its own, but rather is actually a bush with really long leggy branches that are somewhat flexible(reminds me of brugmansia branches before they get woody)...

Depending on how you trim it, it can climb, or sprawl into a weepy weird bush, lol...

The colors are fantastic. I should have taken this picture when the sun was out, except, every time I tried, it was too washed out. You'll have to just get one, so you can see it in person, lol...

The hummers are supposed to just love it, but mine have been too busy with the coral honeysuckle and the feeders...*sigh. So far, all my blooms are dropping without being pollinated...oh well, there is always next year, lol...

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks seedpicker, I buy quite often from her, I will check her out.

Floresville, TX(Zone 9a)

Beautiful Taylor! I had one of these but it didn't like me and croaked over last winter.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

That is a shame! Are you saying it didn't like you, lol...or just didn't like winter??

If it couldn't take your zone 9, then I have no hope of it taking my zone 8...
I better leave it in the pot...when I have to cut on it, I'll keep you in mind, if you want to try it, again, ...?

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

seedpicker, I went to Robyns and she no longer lists it, I did send her email but no answer yet this morning

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

She still may be able to locate one for you, but maybe I'll have to do some cutting on mine, lol...

Here is a photo of its "habit"...as you can see, I've not trimmed it, or tacked it to a trellis, or anything...(should have)...the stems are starting to stiffen, so a little late, now, lol...

poor little thing is only in a one gallon pot! I've been wanting to pot it up, just didn't want to do it while in bud or bloom and stress it...

Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX
Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

oh WOW, is that sitting by your pool, it certainly looks good.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

You have great taste! Another must have....Oh so many wants.... so little land!

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Two or three years ago, Logee's had them on the front of their catalog and I fell for it. I bought one and it grew well, but never had a bud on it. I didn't keep it, but basically because I didn't like the way it grew. You are right...it does sprawl around and needs to be tied up. I have wished at times that I'd given it a better chance to show off, but I really don't have the room anyway. Especially when it comes to holding things over for the winter. I'm wondering now, where I'm going to hold over my Crepe Myrtle. It is big!! Nice pictures Seedpicker_TX.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9a)

Seedpicker, Yes, I grow the Solandra Maxima, so I know what you mean by sprawling. Do you grow your's in full sun or part sun?

I still think I am going to have to try the Juannolloa Mexicana's though. I am a sucker for unusual plants. My newest love is a Azorina vidalli that I grew from seed
four years ago. It bloomed for the first time this week, and I just love it.
I can't seem to download pictures from my digital camera onto my computer for some reason, so until I figure out what the problem is, I can't take a picture.


Floresville, TX(Zone 9a)

Taylor, if you get any rooted I'll try it again... the one I had didn't like me I don't think lol. It just kinda sat there growing very little despite anything I did for it and it finally died over last winter.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9a)

Taylor, I didn't realize you were seedpicker. My last azorina vidalli seeds that you send didn't come up, I think I kept them too warm. It is easy to do that in the greenhouse, but I should get some seeds from the plant that is blooming now.
I am finding I did better growing from seeds before I had the greenhouse, but now I am do much better with rooting from cuttings. I think I need to find a way to do both sucessfully. Your Juanulloa is truly beautiful. I am going to make a point of getting one. It has been on my want list for some time now.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Chris-Ok, I'll try to root some for you.

Patricia-Yes, it is me, Talylor! Is your azorina your very very original one, or is it from the seed I sent you? Or, it it from some other seed you got?
I had a hard time finding the seed, so curious if you found some seed somewhere...
I know what you mean...sometimes the greenhouse is the only way to get some things to grow, and other times of the year, it is much better to just sow outside, lol...
Sure wish you could take a picture of it! I'll bet it is just gorgeous! I never sowed my seeds, so you've got me re-interested in them, lol...

Livermore, CA(Zone 9a)

Taylor, This is my original plant. I ordered the seeds from a company in the UK I believe. I am going to try to collect seeds from my plant. If I can get some I will share them with you. I am going to try to germinate a bunch of them myself. I just love this plant. I planted the seeds you sent me , but they didn't come up. I am sure it was something I did.


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I got mine from the Uk, too...can't remember her name...
anyway...wonder if it was from the same place...It isn't hardy for you is it?
I think I remember you saying you had to dig them up...or was that because you were moving at the time...
memory getting foggy! lol...

Savannah, GA(Zone 8b)

that is beautiful and unusual. what is the name of it. I haven't bought anything from ebay, but am ready to go after that.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

It is called juanulloa. The common name for it is "gold finger"

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