lilies in containers: what do do after bloom time?

Corte Madera, CA

hello, everyone! so happy to report that i've fallen inlove with lilies and plan to plant more next season.

my first season lilies are all in pots. in a few weeks, they will de done blooming. do i pull them out after the foliage and stems dry out?

where do i store, and when do i replant in the ground? i'm really excited about the "no more container only gardening" part.



So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Annapet, I have several pots of various lilies I planted last year. I just left them outside in their pots and they came up again this year. Of course, I am in zone 6 so they got a winter chill.

Probably isn't much help to you, LOL.

Corte Madera, CA

ha-ha, thanks darius. i guess they like to chill? i just don't want to pull them out prematurely. i lost some of the stalks when i cut some for my, those few won't be storing as much energy as the rest.

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