South Florida's Galloping Gardner's

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Here are are, the one and only..........the greatest...........the first get-together of Dave's Garden.........we go where no man has gone before..........we are meeting Face to Face...imagine that...LOL

The next F/F will be at my house on July 22 at 1:30....anyone wishing to come, dmail me and I will send you a map.

Til the 22nd...


Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

You KNOW I am in Nancy. :^))))

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Do you need a map or do you remember where I am?

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

:^)))) I know where to find you......

Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

Hi There...just found this.
Count me in.
I have a map.
Can I bring something for anyone?
Do I need to make a new list?

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


Do you have another Mexican Sunflower and a Scorpion Tail rooted and ready?

Is there anything else I can bring you that I forgot to bring the other day?

Nancy, Jnana? Anything from me?


Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

Hi Molly, I have the scorpion tail, but not sure with the sunflower. If not I will start one for you. How about that blue/violet butterfly plant. I still have one on the shelf?
I will also bring along a couple of the Stevia, which seem to have taken well.


Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Art, that sounds great! And my stevia cuttings in the terrariums are doing great too, so you can save those for you and your DW. You are a wonder!

Butterfly bush sounds great. May I have another of the ground orchids? Maybe thats not the right name, the ones with the little lavender flowers you have as ground cover under the palm tree?

I know I brought you the cuttings you asked for before, but would you like something else? I have some little castor bean trees and some Coral Plant all just germinated and taking off. I know, I have some very young morning glories I also just germinated from seed. These will have blue flowers and your butterflies will love will you.


P. S. I have been sending a couple people over to look at your terrarium lessons. I'm so glad you posted for all of us.

Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

Hi Molly, I think you mean the peacock plant. That was the one I dug up for you and Nancy. I will dig one up in the morning.
Castor bean tree? I just took a look in plant files. It looks like the exploding "weed from h_ll" I told you guys about at our last GT. Actually I still have them coming up and dug one up yesterday and potted it to bring along Friday and show it to you.
I also potted a piece of philodendron to bring along to discuss. I have a story about it (see the picture)
Do you remember the pink flowered plant Val and I looked at toward the left rear of your garden, it was behind some bigger bushes. I don't remember what it was, but a piece of that would be nice.
That should do it.

Thumbnail by artcons
Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Hi Art,

I am at a bit of a loss about the pink flowered plant. Would it be a curcuma? In the back left there is the shade garden, with a little bit of pink coleus type plant. Foward of that by the mango tree are some gingers and the curcumas.

Maybe Val remembers......Val?

We'll work on that Art. Yes, I know the castors are seed popping son of a guns, but I thought I would try. :^))))


Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Molly, I think it was the character plant....or something like that... it had a varigated leaf with pink in it.

My garden is a mess from being away a week, but my ice tea is in good order...LOL Seel you all soon.


Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

I'm out of town in Tampa working until tonight late. Will check in when I get home.

Have a good day.


Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Maybe the alternanthera, "Party Girl" or "Party Time"

I think thats it.


Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

Nope, I got Party Girl growing from a cutting you gave me. I have three plants growing nicely from that single cutting.
Not to worry about it. It will turn up sooner or later. I remember Val saying she had some too. She might remember, since we both went back there to look at it.
I have my list of questions ready.
I posted a note in the other forum Trip to Top Tropicals directing anyone following that thread to this thread.
See ya Friday afternoon.


Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

I can give cuttings of a bunch of stuff so bring carry-home-containers or whatever.....


Hi to all.

Art, I have a rooted cutting of the Brazilian Plume flower for you (I didn't forget). I'm also bringing cuttings of pink porterweed (butterflies love it), 2 cuttings of Natal Plum (one for you and one for Molly). If Nancy wants a cutting I will bring another, a rooted cutting of Yellow Flax, a cutting of Necklace Pod for Molly and a cutting of Red Cloak. If any of you wants something else just let me know.
Looking forward to tomorrow.


Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

Hi Val, Is there anything I can bring for you?

Hi Art, I would love a cutting of the peacock plant if you have any left. If not that's Ok. I got plenty as it is. Thanks anyway.

See you tomorrow!!


Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

Sure Val. I will dig you up some.

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

I love the red castor plants. I just clip off the seed pots when they first start forming and don't have a problem. They aren't real study during high winds but are easily propped up or replaced. They just really add to the tropical look.
My two types of curcurma are finally blooming as well.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


This is my first year for growing and having the castor bean bloom. Mine is the the red one as well.

I posted a picture of mine earlier, not sure what forum, but it was about 8 feet tall. I had put it in a big pot, dug a hole in the ground smack in the middle of my yard. I sunk the pot in the ground and watched the tree grow. I kept it in the pot because the spot in the ground was a former firepit that grass wouldn't grow over. I had dug away all the charcoal and burn matter I could see.

Well, the tree actually got too big and when the wind would blow, the tree tilted in and with the pot. So the other day DS and I pulled it up to plant directly in the ground. There were some good sized roots grown through the holes in the pot and I had to disengage them.

We've been watering 2 times a day, yet many leaves are falling off. It's not providing the shade now that it once was. Not sure if it will make it, but I have a coffee can full of seeds I've been saving, some seedlings from runaway beans and 2 seedlings were sent to me from up north. So I have a backup plan if the tree doesn't survive.

Removing the blooms before they turn to seed is a grand idea for the future, and yet hard to do because they are so pretty.

Do you know how long these seeds can be stored?


Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

No, I ususually give or throw away most of mine, keeping only a few on hand if needed.
I just planted some near the older ones so if I need to replace those, newer, younger ones will be off to a good start first. I'm going to trim mine back to about 3 ft to see if they will bush or not. Right now they are tall and leggy.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Tell us about yesterday PLEASE.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


Art has the photos, and we all have the plants.

As usual it was so very hot. Nancy read the temp on the north side (shade) of her house and it was 99. Her gardens have really changed a lot since I first visited with her in January, or was that February? She has put in many new beds, lost a little yard due to the high water level of the canal/pond in her back yard. We've seen pictures of her daughter's gardens, we need Nancy to show pictures of her own. Well, then Art has those. I'm sure he'll post soon.

Val is encouraging us to take the Master Gardeners courses. She did and she has gained many benefits from that. I am putting some serious thought into it. Although for me, I'll have to find a time of the season to do this when work is slower and I can take a couple days a week to attend classes.

I am amazed at Nancy's plant growth. She received a Devils Trumpet at the Okeechobee round up in Feb, as did I. Her's has grown so much compared to mine. She's doing a wonderful job there.

After the tour we went inside and enjoyed some iced tea and excellent gardening conversation.

Val has a wealth of information that we haven't even begun to scratch the surface of and Art is very meticulous with his lists of questions. He doesn't seem aware of how much gardening experience and info that he has gained and has to offer. He always has some knowledge to share and we need to pick his brain a lot more.

I had a great time and need to go see Nancy again immediately to take a bucket of cannas to plant by the canal. They are ready for you Nancy!!


Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Thanks, and I'm a-waiting...Wish you coulda come, Sidney....

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Nancy, Good morning, when's good for you. Also, won't forget some iris for you, a couple kinds.


P.S. Nance. would you go over here and tell me what you think?

This message was edited Jul 23, 2005 1:01 PM

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

I'm retired, remember...just let me know and I will be home..LOL

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Shoot, you are too fast, I just edited my posting above with a link


Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

Hi everyone! Great time yesterday. We got there early and left late.

Nancy has a great bunch of gardens and a wide variety of plants from trees and palms to ground cover and everything in between.

Good to see the girls again and have at picking their brains.

As usual, I came home loaded with cuttings. It took a good two hours to get 'em all planted today.

Here come some pictures. The first 679 is out back about a third of the way down her yard looking north. The canal is just barely visible on the left.


Thumbnail by artcons
Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

Oops, wrong picture number. That first shot was 697.
Next up is 698 similar to above with more canal and palms showing.

Thumbnail by artcons
Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

This is 699 now looking South.

Thumbnail by artcons
Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

This is 700. Back to the North side of her house. Half way back on the side looking out toward the canal.

Thumbnail by artcons
Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

Next is 701. Basically the same shot only much further back down the side of her house.

Thumbnail by artcons
Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Art, You got some wonderful shots! Great job!!!


Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

I should have put this shot before the last one but I didn't. Same shot but this time I came a little closer to the ferns. This is 702.

Thumbnail by artcons
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

I must interject here. I don't know where he got this pictures, because I can't believe that my yard looks this good. I think he must have doctored the pics. LOL

Art is truly a great photographer.. Thanks Art.


Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Now Now Nancy, Your yard and gardens really are beautiful, no denying it.


Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

Hi Girls. Nice to see you today. Here is picture 703. Exiting the Lani looking to your left you see...

Thumbnail by artcons
Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

Last shot 704. I took this for my benefit but I'll share it. I am working on a different type of pot holder for orchids. I needed to show my friend who will manufacture it one of the current standards for hanging orchids.

This is part of Nancy's orchid collection (notice I said part)

See ya all later. Perhaps at our next local GT. We are not that far away from many of you, so you should consider joining us. Just imagine the cuttings, pictures and memories you could take back home with you.

Thumbnail by artcons
Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Geesh, Nancy, I just thought........I could come over and tend to those orchids any time you like. With that narrow edge on the pool, don't be surprised if I trip and fall in on a hot day.


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