Rabbit again! They love lilies .. 90% are gone!

Alpharetta, GA(Zone 7b)

Rabbit again! They love lilies .. 90% are gone! What do you lily lovers do?

Waxhaw (Charlotte), NC(Zone 7b)

Try Deer-Off. we use it on lilies for deer, but should work for rabbits, too. Must be applied frequently, but so far it has worked pretty well. Not fool proof.

Winnipeg,, MB(Zone 3a)

This is what I did to all my beds early this spring,
used chicken wire and fenced it all the beds,
here are a few pictures.

Thumbnail by dillpickle
Winnipeg,, MB(Zone 3a)

here is another fence

Thumbnail by dillpickle
Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

We have a terrible bunny prob. in Winnipeg. Most in my area disappear fairly quickly due to feral cats so... cats are a prob. Any newly turned earth is fair game for them. All seedlings are covered with wire tents. Newly planted seed is covered with branches or have sticks stuck in the ground to deter diggers.

I cover entire hosta area as well as martagons with wire in theFall. This hopefully will stop !@#$ squirrels munching away.

Unfortunately they tend to grab and take away somewhere, all the hens & chicks. Sometimes I wonder why we garden. Just noticed tonight that my tiny little succulent garden space is full of ants. Will have to dig up whole space tomorrow, replant succlents somewhere else and borox away like mad to get rid of ants. Already have 3 big bare spots in perennial border. Now, another one. Rats.

Bother. Not meaning to hijack thread. Bunnies just seem to lead to ......
Back to bunnies/wire/deer off

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

One year when the rabbits were especially bad, I made little cages of chicken wire about 18" tall to put over the lilies. It seemed that once they were that tall, they left them alone and the lilies just grew through the cages. Not real pretty, but at least I had blooms.


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

That sounds like a good idea. The martagon Queen here in Winnipeg does that. I put the old wire no-longer-allowed-on-flights dog crates over my lily seedlings.

Inanda - wondering if any DGers are attending the NALS convention this weeek, HERE in Winnipeg.

Haydenville, MA(Zone 5a)

Inanda - would love to, but am unfortunately working... :(

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Oh Ginny....sincerely wish I could go to NALS.

I use Liquid Fence for my bunny problem and have been very happy with the results.

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

No longer have a bunny problem here - Oscar takes care of them quite well. I only had two tulips with a bit of nipping on them and they never touched the lilies. My neighbor has forgiven Oscar for constantly sleeping in her flower bed since she didn't lose a single plant to rabbits this year. She praises him and tells him what a good kitty he is!

...now, wash your 'hands' after dinner...

Thumbnail by kooger
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Good, good kitty!

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I have one outside cat and now there are 4 other cats on my block too. They seem to have the rabbit problem under control. All of them think I have the best yard to play in because of all my plants, but I'm happy to have them over to visit as long as they keep the rabbits away.

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