Sigh......question about Lilium

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

I purchased Regale Trumpets a few years ago. First year, they got up about 4 feet, last year they were a stunning 5 or 6 feet and just chuck full of blooms. Now this year - well look at the photo. Is it on it's way out?

Height is about 2 feet

Oh and, I can't find my Muscadet's anywhere - they were so tall and lush last year and now *poof*

Thumbnail by Sue_WA
Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Could be just that strange weather is making things difficult for lilies this year. I wouldn't worry. Just as long as you are feeding them well.


Granite City, IL

Yep Sue, some of my trumpets get 6-7 ft tall this year I was lucky to get any 4ft.

I am marking it up to "weird weather" also!


Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Thanks. It is kind of disapointing. Well I hope they come back next year.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

I had about 25 Trumpets planted in a bed out front. The chipmunks ate most of them down to the bottom of the bulb. Now three years later, some of those bulb bottoms are sprouting again.

I have only 1 African Queen left out there.

But I have at least half a dozen Yellow trumpet lilys out back. It was so windy today it was hard to capture them.

Thumbnail by se_eds
Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

The fence behind them is 5 ft. high. Here is an inside view - a little different than the outside color.

Thumbnail by se_eds
Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh, very pretty! Well you have definately given me some encouragement. Thanks!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

Hi Sue ~

I have some odd lily behavior here as well.... Some are doing well, but there are some out there that have fewer blooms, and some that are definitely shorter.....I really do think it is the weather. I have my fingers crossed for next season!
These were twice as tall, with twice as many blooms last year??? I don't know what's going on in your part of WA, but it is happening here as well...LOL...


Thumbnail by jamie68
Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Hi Jamie!

- well I won't say it's nice to have company in this instance. :-)

I went on the Bainbridge In Bloom garden tour today and I heard the same thing over and over - the weather has affected all of the gardens I saw today. So we are all in the same boat it seems. This is one spring/summer I will not forget!

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Seeds--it's encouraging to hear that a few of my lily bulbs might come back! I planted about 40 bulbs and maybe 10 have come up...I think I'll dig down and see if anything is there... t.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Try giving all your lilys a good handful of bone meal - scratch it in and cover or dogs will dig it up - also the neighbors chickens eat it.

Here is a freckled lily that is blooming today.

Thumbnail by se_eds

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