Photos of gardens?

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

I would love to see more garden pictures here, like those Bluekat posted a while back. Here's mine... please post yrs?

This is a raised bed garden with straw and grass clippings mulch. Back trellis and tipi hole scarlet runner and McCaslan pole beans, Straight 8, Delikatesse and Chinese Yellow cukes. Cages hold OTV Brandywine, Kellogg's Bkfast, Dr. Carolyn, Riesentraube, Tappy's Heritage, and Green Zebra tomatoes. Front are melons (Kansas, Golden Jenny, Ali Baba) and pumpkin, Carola potatoes, Royal Burgundy and Topcrop bush beans, then Burmese okra and Bull Nose bell peppers, then kale, daikon radish thanks to paani, leeks, and carrots (little finger and something I forget). Herbs and flowers in every bed, and plenty of weeds. Currently harvesting potatoes, cukes, beans, carrots, and zuke &crookneck squash (not pictured; on the right) out the yingang.

Thumbnail by Zeppy
Dry Ridge, KY(Zone 6a)

Zeppy, you have a beautiful garden. I posted mine last month and haven't taken a pic of the whole site since then. Its here if you want to see it.

I've never had any luck with potatoes (CPB get them) or melons (very juicy, no flavor) but I did pick my first homegrown blackberries today. We are also harvesting green tomatoes, red cherry tomatoes, zucchini, lotsa herbs, raspberries, strawberries, leeks, cukes, beans, and peppers (hot and sweet).

Do daikon radishes grow well in the heat? Do you use them like the little round red ones?

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Great site, Kerry. Gorgeous gardens!

I don't know so much about the daikon, but they get enormous and you use them in things like kimchee. You harvest them late, too.

Spokane Valley, WA(Zone 5b)

Okay, here's a couple of general shots of my 20x32' veggie garden.

Please excuse the fuzziness of the pics, as I resized them down to 800x600 from 2000x1500 so they wouldn't take forever to download. ;)

Although you can't see much of the right side, here's what was planted, from back to front (and left to right on each row):
1-3: Corn - Pole Beans, Buttercup Squash beneath
4: Parsley - Peas - Volunteer Tomato - Parsley
5: Bush Beans - Pole Beans
6: Tomatoes (Rutger, Cherry, Beefsteak) with some Nasturtiums and Basil
7: Romas - Peppers - Cherry Tomato - more Peppers and volunteer Tomatoes - Romas
8. Cabbage
9. Lettuce and Carrots - Cauliflower - Lettuce and Carrots
10. Radishes and Carrots - Broccoli (and volunteer Sunflower) - Radishes and Carrots
11. Horseradish - Potatoes - Horseradish
12. (Nothing; to be planted) - Onions

This one is from two weeks ago...

This message was edited Jul 10, 2005 8:22 PM

Thumbnail by TuttiFrutti
Spokane Valley, WA(Zone 5b)

Don't look too hard for my row of bush and pole beans as I've just replanted for the third (and hopefully, last!) time thanks to hungry robins. ;)

This was today...

Thumbnail by TuttiFrutti
Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

I love the difference two weeks can make! Your gardens are looking awesome TuttiFrutti! I guess I should be grateful the Robin's don't eat my garden.

Kerry - I love that hornworm picture on your site!

Zeppy, what can I say, your gardens are feelin' the love! How far away are you cause I sense a road trip in my future!

Here is the link to my garden pics:


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Here are some pics of my garden.

This first one is a view of the 6 raised beds we built this spring (it's a new house in a new subdivision, so before this I just had sod on clay). Also the dry streambed that we are still working on, and some trees that also got planted this spring. From left to right, I have 3 raised beds of tomatoes and peppers, then one of squash and melons, and then 2 perennial holding beds.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

This is a close-up of the squash (left) and melon (right) bed which we built a frame for, and the melons are twining up the strings I put on it. I have cantaloupe, charentais, noir des carmes melons, and then scallop (pattypan) squash and zucchini.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

And here's my perennial bed which is off to the right side of the yard facing away from the house.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

And a closer pic of the 3 tomato raised beds. Picked about 20 today. Mostly 4th of July variety and some sungolds and sugary.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Spokane Valley, WA(Zone 5b)

Thank you, Kim! And lovely pics, CMoxon! :)

I was almost too shy to post my pics, as our veggie garden isn't quite as pretty along the edges as the ones ya'll have. We were blessed with nice, well-draining soil without a speck of clay, and since the veggie garden is only in full view of our neighbors who also have a good-sized garden, we can allow the weeds/yard to encroach a bit... and do! lol

Northern Rivers NSW, Australia(Zone 7b)

Part of the vege garden with some friends from Sydney and their kids picking parsley , silver beet , tomato and chillies.


Thumbnail by holty
Spokane Valley, WA(Zone 5b)

Nice mulched rows, holty! Are you very far up from Sydney? I have a dear friend there from before I joined DG, and always imagine it's a blustery wintertime for him at this time of year since it's so cold in the reverse for us in the Inland Northwest of the US... lol... but I know better now. :)

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Tutti, your gardens are looking great! I love it when it starts feeling jungley. How's the drip tape working for you?

CMoxon, those are impressive beds. Someday I'll do raised beds like that for all my crops; so much easier to work with. The trellis for the squash/melons is amazing; looks like it'll stand up to anything.

And thanks, Holty! Looks like everything's growing like gangbusters. And where are the weeds???

These are exactly what I was hoping to see. Anyone else slow down or stop the car (much to my passengers' dismay) when they see great veggie gardens? Ah, well...

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Here's an overgrown row of beans, cukes and squash. The potatoes are beginning to die back and some have already been dug.

Thumbnail by roseone33

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