trumpet vine - finally blooming

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

I have grown the yellow for about 10 years, but a few years ago I put in these deep orange ones, today I finally got to see some blooms. I have about 8 of these planted around my property for the hummers. My yellow never blooms till later than these.

Thumbnail by OhioBreezy
Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

pretty. i couldnt get any of my seeds to grow this year. probably all the rain. might have to buy one. do the hummers prefer the yellow over the orange or vice versa or about the same??

someone told me the darker ones the hummers prefer better but i happen to like the yellow ones but have to think of my hummers too. thanks

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

I haven't noticed any difference with the hummers, they seem to enjoy them both. I do prefer the yellow also as opposed to the orangey red ones, maybe because I usually only ever see the orange ones around here.

I have never had luck with seeds either.

Indiantown, FL

I have some of the orange trumpets growing here also, The tree they were in was taken out by the hurricane last year so they really don't have anywhere to grow but they were blooming recently. I have never seen any hummingbirds around here, they sell the feeders in the stores so there must be some, I just have never seen any.
How are you doing Laurrie? How does your garden grow, I have been sorting out those seeds you gave me. I made a seed box with A to Z folders. I have to finish getting my house organized and I will be able to start them.
It has been so hot here, I will probably start them inside, there are all kinds of goodies in that batch of seeds. I have bought more also that I can send to you. I am going to try my hand at clematis though it may be too hot here and passiflora's and of course the morning glories. We plant here in the fall also, it doesn't get real cold until January.
I see your posts scattered here and there, so I know you are a happy little gardener.
Be Blessed,
Connie from South Florida

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

Oh Connie, I am delighted to hear from you, I get online early morning before work and run around DG LOL. sooooooooooooo did you like some of those seeds tee hee, I was so happy to find someone who could use a box full. I knew time wouldn't permit me to do much seed sowing this year or probably next and hated to waste so many different variety of seed.

I am anticipating the blooms of my yellow one, so far I've had it for nearly 11 years and never had a seed pod on the yellow, always blooms but no seed pods, not sure why, but hoping since I introduced some deeper oranges to the mix maybe I will get a pod, if not, I always find little runnered babies to dig and share, this year I actually did find 2 - right where the patio will be, they are resting now in a little pot to see if they are going to make it.

My gardens are taking off, I am also finding tons of seedlings coming up in places I didn't imagine they would be, but then the flood just swooshed things everywhere!! 2 of the Daturas have bloomed and a third getting ready to. They really like the spot I have them and I am so glad. I also am finding some of my datura wrightii babies coming up out back, glad I found them, or they would have been dozed over all over again when we get the back leveled off to seed.

You Brugs are doing beautifully here, too early for blooms, but soon I expect, some are still in large pots waiting for my patio to be finished so I can get them into their proper homes. this Sunday we are getting the gravel and wire down, then the cement, I am too excited, it's taking forever because I work Sunday thru thursday, and my hubby works Friday thru Sunday, we definitely have conflicting schedules right now, hard to get a thing done that requires 2 people!!!!

It was so good to hear from you!! I will try to keep you updated on some of the things you sent, as it stands here is a photo of the Datura, hope you like it :)

Thumbnail by OhioBreezy
Waukesha, WI

We have a Clematis. About three years of very healthy growth. Suddenly a beautiful orange collered trumpet has made its self known with a beautiful aray of blossoms. Both vines are doing very well. Have you any suggestions? Leroy

Hope Mills, NC(Zone 7b)

I planted 1 yellow Trumpet vine, and 2 hummingbird Trumpet vines that I purchased bare root and planted last year. This year the vine foliage is doing great, but no blooms or even buds. I live in Hope Mills, NC zone 7b. Does any know when they should bloom in this area. I've been told that they should start the end of July, others have said the first part of July. As I said they are the vines are spreading thickly over my arbour and running down the chain link fence line, and starting to root. All this, but no buds. HELP. Bob

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