Blooming today

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

This is just one of the pretties blooming today in my gardens.

Thumbnail by OhioBreezy
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

What a pretty white!


Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Very nice. :)

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)


Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

They are no longer pretty :( we had a nice rainstorm last evening that wiped them out, they are now transparent LOL

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)


(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

So what are they? I'm looking for a good white Asiatic, and it looks like you have one.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Take a look here

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

Unfortunately the tag was one that floated away during our flooding, and I can't locate Alice who did the co-op to see if she still has a copy of what I ordered! It is blooming more so I will try to take more photos when I get home from work.

revclaus: has some nice asiatic's, perhaps you could peek into their spot, this is where mine came from thru a co-op here on DG

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

there was a white asiatic called endless love in aknapp's co-op.

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

oh thank you! perhaps that is what it is.

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