Fragrant Corkscrew vine

(Nadine) Devers, TX(Zone 9b)

Here is an updated pic of my Corkscrew vine seedlings..They survived this hard rain we had yesterday...

Thumbnail by Moodene
Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

It sounds like just the opposite. What was the Ebay sellers name you got the snail vine seeds from? I know what most are selling as vigna and phaseolus so if you know the name of the seller, I can probably tell you if the seeds are vigna or phaseolus. You can d-mail me privately if you don't want to post the name. Here is a picture of my snail vine growing in an 18 gal storage tote with a 4ft trellis. The vine quickly outgrew the tote and have recently tried taking over the front yard. It will be getting a haircut soon.
This picture if from last year. It has probably tripled in size and bulk. The container is no long visible and the vines run off everywhere.

Thumbnail by budgielover
Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

I just went out and took some recent pics of my snail vine. Please ignore the mess as things have gotten blown about quite of bit from the feeder bands. Small price to pay.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Jeanette, are you in Eastern Washington? If so I would think the metal tray would really heat up and raise the temperature of your pot if it sits in the sun. On the other hand, if the lobelia is doing fine it must not be getting too hot. Usually annual lobelia can't take full sun. Is your pot in the shade? If that's the case it would might not be enough sun for the snail vine.

If you are watering with peroxide water that would help the corkscrew vine get enough oxygen to its roots even in wet soil.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Jan, I don't remember who I got the seed from. It has been quite a while ago. But how do you account for the Corkscrew vine from Parks? I didn't plant them at the same time and they have never been near each other to get mixed.

And your plant is nice so I guess I should not try to grow plants in Washington that are native to Florida.

Yes, No, I am in Eastern Washington, but we haven't had any days warm enough yet to heat that tray up. You might have a point though and I probably should move it before we do.

The plant gets, when the sun does shine, about 6 hours a day.

I do not want you guys to think ALL of Washington state is wet and rainy. Actually, believe it or not, Seattle has had better weather than we have. And by "we" I mean me. Because we live in the northeastern mountains and even if the sun is shining, at certain times of the day we are blocked by mountains and trees.

If you drive a hundred miles, or even 50 or 60 miles south you get into the warmer and sunnier weather. If you drive 40 miles west you get warmer and sunnier weather. Guess we should join North Idaho. Think we are about the same.


Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Jeanette, I lived near Seattle (North Bend, Issaquah and Bellevue) for about 14 years. I figured you were in Eastern Wa. so I thought you were probably cooking that poor plant on that metal tray. I didn't realize you were up in the mountains. I wonder if the snail vine needs more heat than the corkscrew vine to thrive.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Boy, No, you sure got me. When I read and re-read everything you guys had to say about the 2 of them and each thing I thought about both plants, I kept coming up with just the opposite of what you were saying. I suppose if I had to pick which one I would want to do the best it would be the Corkscrew which is really turning into a beautiful plant.

What do I do with it in the winter? Make a house plant out of it? I have, and am getting, quite a few of those. LOL

Have you heard of the Kent Beauty Oregano? I just got one a month or so ago after looking for a long time, and it is turning into a really nice plant. It is an ornamental.


Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

A few years ago I grew Dittany of Crete which is similar to Kent Beauty. I loved it and tried to keep it over the winter in the house. It didn't last. I suspect I gave it too much water and not enough light. At the Cincinnati RU this April Esther_6 gave me another one. It is doing well and I am so pleased. I really hope I can keep it alive this winter.

OOOPS! Forgot to post the link to Happenstance's picture of it in the PlantFiles.

This message was edited Jul 10, 2005 10:44 PM

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi Jeanette,
The seeds you got from Parks are definitely Corkscrew vine.
Snail vine is not native to Florida. Just does well here do to warm weather year round but from what I understand, snail vine is more cold tolerant than corkscrew vine.
I'm growing both but my personal experience is than I have better luck with snail vine than corkscrew vine as I tend to have a heavy hand with water since things dry out more quickly here.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

My corkscrew vine has BUDS!!!!! I am sooo excited I can't stand it. We are supposed to get 5 days of rain from the remains of Hurricane Dennis starting tomorrow. I hope it doesn't get waterlogged.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

DianaT-I apologize for us hijaking your simple "heads up" notation!
I'll bet you didn't expect it to turn into are your rose rootings coming along?

Heather-Yes, you can layer and do cuttings, but my concern would be that right now "may", or "may not", be a good time...If your friends vine is healthy and full, and can spare plenty of foliage, I say "go for it" and "why not try"...
However! If her plant is either not in a position to spare a lot of cutting material, or especially if it is about to set the flower buds, I would NOT recommend it. You could cut off many potential flowers, and consequently seed pods...Seeds are pretty easy, but that whole "sensitive to too much water thing"....they can rot easily if sown in soggy water. I do not even presoak mine, and they do better that way...

HI Jan!!-How ARE you?! I hope this hurricane stuff isn't like last time for you...please let me know if you lose anything to the storm...

You are welcome about the watering tip. I am "heavy handed" with the water, too...Especially with potted plants. It gets to 100 here every day now, and we've not had rain in months.
I've certainly drowned a few corkscrew plants in my day, lol...I'm trying to get better about fertilizing to make up for all the nutrients that I am washing away, each time I water...(but still cannot claim I'm good about it, yet) lol...

Jeanette-I grow kent beauty. I have for years...It is one of my very favorite plants, and especially my favorite"cascading" plant. I just leave mine outside for the winter, but I guess you are much colder in winter than I am...I am not sure what the zone rating is for that one, but great plant.

I've brought corkscrew into the greenhouse for the winter, and even in warm temperatures, they still went dormant. They obviously Need a rest, and knew it wasn't spring, lol...I've heard many people report that they over winter them in a garage...just enough for them not to freeze. The lack of light isn't that important, as they go dormant, anyway.

The snail vine was a different story! It grew so quickly in the greenhouse, that it started to strangle all the other plants and I had to get the (*gasp!) cutters out!

Since your two plants seem to behave the opposite, I'm wondering if there is enough of a difference in climate, that the same things don't apply. I know in warm climates they behave as I've described, but maybe they prefer your climate??

I DO know that Park's seed imports them from(I think she said) Holland. And, another gardener from GW is growing them in New Zealand, and claims he has hundreds of pods right now...

Maybe snail vine loves the heat, and corkscrew likes it more temperate. That would certainly make sense...and would explain why yours are acting the opposite as mine...certainly helps to add to the already plentiful points of confusion concerning these two vines, doesn't it??...

Congratulations on your buds! You must be so excited! They truly are absolutely gorgeous blooms!

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Congratulations on your buds!!! I know it feels. I did the same thing.. I got so exciting since it's first time this year. I started the seed last two years ago. Now it's here! I watch the buds growing daily..

Here's photo.. I took last night. i thought it's cute

Thumbnail by MiniSchnuz
Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi Taylor,
Made it through just fine. Have to go around and pick up pots that got tossed around and a few of my taller weaker plants like castor bean look like the tower of pisa so I will try to upright them again.
Other than that, I had a couple of shelves of small plants blow over and lost a few seedlings but nothing I can't replace. I'm just now getting around to actually landscaping since I've about finished the house painting. Just need to finishing repairing the fencing and I will be starting to plant someone of the plants I got from you last year that are still potted like the clerodendrums. and brugs.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Glad no major losses...sure looks bad on TV
Sounds like you've got a really busy summer goin' on! lol...same here!
Supposed to keep us young, right? lol...

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

That's what my buds look like! You must be really excited if you had to wait all that time to see it bloom. LOL I have only had mine since the beginning of June. I bought it on sale at Park's and got a really good deal on it. It was also a nice size plant with a good root system when it arrived so it took off pretty fast. It isn't all that tall yet. It is really full at the bottom and tendrils are climbing up the poles. The buds are at the bottom near the soil. I will try to get a picture when it stops raining.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Mine is doing pretty good too. I got it from Parks also, but not a real big plant like yours. I will have to watch and see if mine is going to bloom this year or be like the other persons and take 2 years. I don't think so though, it looks pretty good.

Now, my Snail vine might be another thing.


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Seedpicker can you post a pictue of your Kent Beauty? I would love to see it.. I got mine from Mountain Valley Growers and they rate that as a zone 5. Which is what I am. bw, their plants are very good. The only problem is that you have to order 6 at a time.


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Seedpicker, how do I find a thread on seed starting with Peroxide on March 26, 2004, author AKnapp?


Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Here it is:

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Sorry I didn't respond sooner, I haven't been on the computer much this weekend...
If I know the person's name I go to the Memberlist tab, and then type in their name in the search box. Once I've gotten to their memberpage, I can click on "threads (they've) started". Then, you can browse through the titles of threads they've started and find your thread.

Or, if you didn't know the person's name, you could type in hydrogen peroxide into the search, but it would bring up a ton of threads and you'd have a lot of sorting to do!, lol...but could be done that way, too...

I'll try to get a good photo of my kent beauty for you. It is in a small container right now. I had a large patch, but it died when I got sick and unable to water for a few days... :(

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

I went to DG and typed seed peroxide aknapp in the Google search box and then clicked site search. It brought it right up. I could have put in the date to narrow it down even further.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Thanks you guys. Sure am interested in your Kent Beauty Seedpicker. Mine is getting going pretty good. Sorry you were sick. It only takes a few days of neglect for some of these plants.


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Here is a picture of it in the small container:

Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

and a close-up

Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX
Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

That is beautiful!! But so strange because yours has individual flowers where mine the ends of the vines turn the pink color. It is raining now, again, and when it quits I will take a picture to send you.

I wonder if it is because mine is young.


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

it is raining here now, too...I'd certainly be interested in seeing yours when you get a picture...

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Ok, here it is. See the difference? Isn't that curious? The pink gets darker, a little, with sun. Jeanette

Thumbnail by Jnette
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Mine do that too, sometimes. I think yours just are not finished. I think if you watch them a little longer, they'll start to set out the little purple flowers...

Mine looked like yours do, a few weeks ago...maybe the zone difference explains the delay...?

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

I think it would help if the weather would warm up. Another one that is kind of like the Kent Beauty is the Orignum dictamnus (Dittany) that sounds like something we would like.


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

There is also another one I keep seeing in one of my garden catalogs. It seems to have longer "snake rattles", than both of ours...

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

You don't know the name of it? Snake rattles, I like that.


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