They have what?

South, TX(Zone 8a)

I have several different kinds of Lilies. The names of most of them are unknown to me. This is my first year growing these plants. Most are all blooming or are fixing to bloom. My question is what do I do after the blooms fades....... Do I cut the stalk down at the bottom after all the blooms fade and fall off... or do I just leave it??? My rain lilies got a small bulb looking thing on each stalk where the bloom fell off. It grew and then turned brown and seems to be full of seeds???? They get to a certain point and pop open. Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks.... Phyllis

Thumbnail by summer1953
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Phyllis, the plant in the photo is a daylily. You can cut the stems down to the base on them. If it is a reblooming kind, it may have more stems later in the year. If you have any of the Asiatic, oriental or trumpet lilies, cut off only the very top part where the blooms were. You need to leave as much of the stem as possible to help store energy for next years blooms. Rain lilies, I'm not sure of. Sounds like they formed seeds.


South, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks for responding......I don't know what the other lilies are... other than the spider lily and the rain lilies... I am not familiar with Asiatic, oriental or trumpet lilies. If I have one of those and cut it wrong do you think it will come back next year? Here is a picture of my spider lily. It is not a very good picture but the best I could get. I guess I would cut the stalk off on this one also? Phyllis

Thumbnail by summer1953
South, TX(Zone 8a)

A picture of my Rain Lillies when blooming.

Thumbnail by summer1953
South, TX(Zone 8a)

A picture of my Rain Lilies after the blooms fell off........ showing the bulb looking seed pod?? I opened some of the pods and kept the seeds. Thought I would plant some to see what they do. What ya think? If any one can tell me how I should cut these back I would appreciate it. Phyllis

Thumbnail by summer1953
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I think your 'spider lily' is this: a Peruvian daffodil.

After you have collected any seed that you want from the rain lilies, I would cut the flower stalk and leave the foliage to die down naturally.

South, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Moby,
Thanks for the info. When I purchased this plant they said it was a Spider Lily. I did a search on DG plant files and found a better picture that looks just like mine just with more blooms and is a much better picture than mine. Here is the link (I hope it works) to the picture I am refering to.
I do not want to seem ungrateful.... please don't take it that way... :>)
Thanks for the help on the rain lilies. I will do that tomorrow. Have a great night! Phyllis

Las Vegas , NV(Zone 8a)

Hi! I a new lily owner, too. So if I cut just the tops off after it blooms, do I trim the plant later or just let it be? Fertilize?

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Just trim behind where the blossom was and leave a much foliage as possible. Lilies need it so the bulb can build nutrients for next year's blooms. The stalk may be cut when it has fully died back in the fall.

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