Englishtown, NJ(Zone 6b)

This is all my husbands fault. Armenian cukes is all he will eat in terms of cukes. Won't eat the English cukes (which I love). So what do I do? I hunt down seeds and start these guys for him, no English cukes for me.
I always knew they didn't produce a big crop, but now to find out all this hullabaloo about male/female flowers and pollinating by hand, what a pain! Geez, the things we do for our loved ones.
So now, I must go and see about the fuzzies and how the male flowers must meet up with fuzzies and exchange body powders. I should organize a dating service for them.
In all honesty, thank God I came across this thread so that I have a chance at actually getting cukes from these plants now.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

this was fun to read, does this mean they would cross pollinate with a melon? affect this years crop or just the seeds?

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

They are evil mean nasty cukes and they need to be bombed! *evil grin* Ok so maybe the cukes are alright and it's the grower but....

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

but you had fun, didn't you?

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

Yeppers even if I didn't get any cukes..I've ordered something that likes this zone a bit better for next year..I did well my order to Tomato Growers Supply was only 35.00! Have to wait on the order for Seeds of Change since they won't ship the garlic ground and I'm not paying for air when I'm not going to be planting till Sept.

I have found another mater I want to of Hillbilly, it's a PL I saw on SE looks just so yummy. Don't know how it will do here but it's worth a shot.

Thumbnail by araness
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

got seeds for those from DG last year (will look to see if i have any left), AKA fllame, plants didn't make it though. did you look at the garlic here, they'll ship ground according to your planting date:

San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

For some reason them thar maters reminds me of pomegranates lol.

If ya really like & want ta know what garlic can do haha becides make ya smell bad:
More here than first meets tha eye. Run tha links.
Really is interesting and it don't got ta make ya smell bad neither.
I am a garlic nut! Any and all forms. (I know, jus a nut)
Also think $14.00 a pound is a little rich fer me blood.
The Houston farmers mkt has it certain times of tha year but I have bought it right out of a store, part tha cloves from tha pod and plant pointed end up.

[Farmers Markets in texas]

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

i have seeds for those hillbilly's, called Flame, from Baker's Creek, someone in DG land sent them to me. Anyone want to take the credit so i can thank you? Maybe your memory (or records) works better than mine LOL

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

Charlie I'm going to do that also with the garlic, but wanted to try some of the different types. When I'm in Austin the last of September I'm going to this huge organic store and pick up tons of garlic and pop it in the ground. I'm buying my garlic at Seeds of Change and only buying by the half pound. Sooooo it's about 6 bucks 1/2 lb. Since the weather is so mild here I'm hoping I can keep it growing most of the year since I use tons of it.


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

hey, i think i have baby melons! the first flowers have closed up, and the second sets have plump little fuzzies!

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

Neat! *LOL* I'll think of you when I have to go BUY melons *G* Just wait till next year when I have a tiny little raised bed for melons.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

yeah!, i will save you some seed...

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