Best way to collect mulberries?

Franklin, WI(Zone 5a)

I have a Mulberry tree that's producing its little head off this year. What's a good way to collect these tasty berries? The tree has gotten large in just three years. I put some bamboo mats on the ground under it to catch the falling berries. Works somewhat, but there must be a better way? I don't want to get up on a ladder. Any helpful hints?



Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

Sandy, This is from Edible Landscaping's website. Remembered reading it so copied it for you:

Mulberries are great for freezing! Harvest 10 lb or so from 6-8 year old trees every other day for about 6 weeks. With a clean tarp on the ground under a main branch, hit the branch and it will "rain" ripe mulberries. Pick up the tarp and funnel the berries into a clean container. We use a zip lock freezer bag and freeze them just picked. When thawed the berries retain their shape and taste great!
Hope it helps! ~ Suzi :)

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