Tall lily with flower cluster (not blooming yet) at the top

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Can anyone tell me what kind of lily has a three to four foot stalk, with black seeds forming along the stalk and a large cluster flower head. I would like to plant the seeds, but was unsure of what to do with them and when.

Waxhaw (Charlotte), NC(Zone 7b)


the black spheres are probably not seeds, but bulbils. This is good news because planted in a nursery bed (well draining soil just covered) they will produce flowering plants identical to your existing lily in a few years. Several lilies produce them including lilium lancifolium (tiger lily), and several species and asiatic lilies. Can you upload a picture ?

Thanks for the Iris, but the way.

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

I will take a picture, but it is not blooming yet.
You are very welcomed!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

That's the way my tiger lily is doing now. Last year I planted several and they are covered with them this year, and look like they may bloom next year! I love prolific lilies! Oh, Ken and Janet, I have beautiful Mt Mist lilies(budding well!), caladiums (huge leaves, bigger than any I bought!), pink callas (3 blooms so far!), and yellow crocosmia (I can feel baby buds in the fans!) thanks to you two! Hope your newbies are faring well, Neal.

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

That is great news! Glad they are all doing so well for you! Did Ken send you the Caladiums? I am trying to find some, and can't seem to get any that are the croms ready to plant. Just the plants and they cost too much. Here is a picture I pasted together to show the top and the stalk with seeds...

Thumbnail by JanetS
Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Did your Bee Balm (Red) or your Aztec Lily bloom yet? Mine are just beautiful. The bee balm is going to have to be cut back, it has reached about 5 feet tall this year. My Aztecs are also due to be moved, they are covered overed by the crocosmia! Hope you are doing well, I am having a FLARE...changed MS doctors, but won't have new meds for a week or so...hope this one can help me!

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Check out this beauty! I am so excited! I have never had one of these and I have all of these bubils too....will they grow easily? This was a plant that belonged to my best friends mother. It is well over thirty years since it was planted.

Thumbnail by JanetS

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