Lillies are FAST becoming my favorite :o)

Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)

After days and days of looking at all these lilly flowers i am becoming a lilly fanatic.
I live in zone7b. would they grow here? it is very humid and hot in the summer time. And could i plant some now and they still grow thise season or would I have to wait till next year?
I was hoping to maybe find some on ebay or somewhere cheap before i invested in some big money in them, just to see if i can grow them.

Would appreiciate all the information I could get.

Char :o)

Lilburn, GA(Zone 7b)

Char...I am here in atlanta and mine do great! I have both asiatic and orientals.
They make such wonderful cut flowers.
Suggestion.....try checking out your local Home Depot or Lowes to see if they have any lillies left over. You could probably get them pretty cheap.
As far as planting at this time and getting blooms this summer....I'll leave that answer to those who are more knowledgeable than myself. I've always planted mine early spring.
hope this helps and good luck!
carole in atlanta

Lilburn, GA(Zone 7b)

Char....I think your question about blooming this year might be answered in the post "what happened".
check it out

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

As Carole suggested, I think you could probably still find some at good prices. Also check stores that have those 'parking lot' garden centers. You might even find some that are potted ~ they may be past blooming but you can still plant now and have a jump on fall planted bulbs. If the price is right, great! Don't have your heart set on a variety being correct unless you actually see the bloom. You never know, you might get lucky too. Just enjoy!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Some of the big home stores get bunches of potted lilies, sometimes they have good deals so you could enjoy some this year. I'm cheap, so I usually check them out after the blooms have faded and they clearance them. I don't think you'll have any trouble growing them in you zone. Easter lilies would be hardy for you in zone 7. I've bought those for .50 each after Easter and planted them, and a few re-bloomed that summer. Enjoy the path to becoming a lily fiend, it happens to most of us! Neal.

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

I just bought nine new ones as Home Depot. They have them here three for ten dollars. They are blooming here still and I live in the same zone you do. I have lots of different ones, day lilies, asiatic, orientals. They will grow quite well for you I am sure! This is one of my newer ones from last name, just love the color!

Thumbnail by JanetS
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

That is a beautiful daylily, Janet.

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