
San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

I plant lots of radishes, especially with my tomatoes.
This year it was tha 'white icicle' and 'scarlet globe'
Tha bugs love-um

Thumbnail by heycharlie
San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

Not a leaf on tha mater plant was eaten!

Thumbnail by heycharlie
San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

I let the tha icicle get big as it wants.
Of course we eat lots before they get big, & hot.
Same goes for tha red ones!

Thumbnail by heycharlie
San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

Radishes are ready to eat in 25 days, give and take.
They bolt early!

Thumbnail by heycharlie
San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

Although it may appear to some this isn't edible but it is.
When its done it job, we pull them.
Boil jus like ya would a turnip or potato.
Grate and stir fry
Cream of radish soup
Radish & tater boiled together
Beef stew with radish
Potato pancake with radishes.........
[All these and more are found in "Joy of Gardening Cook Book"

Thumbnail by heycharlie
San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

Tha flowers, blooms on tha icicle are white and tha scarletglobe are purple.

Thumbnail by heycharlie
San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

These radishes have done a fine job.
Each pod has many seeds. As they start to dry out in about a week more? I pull a given plant, cut tha root off. If they arn't to woody, most are not, I sav for cooking.
I use a large paper shopping sack and push the plants into till i think its full enough. I keep these in a dry place till the seed will pop right out at a touch from your fingers.
When this happens I grab by tha hand full and let tha seeds fall into tha sack. Remove the plant and discard.

I don't pay attention to which goes into tha sack.
When I plant next time I'll eat what ever comes up.
They will make a fine companion plant.
They aerate tha garden as they're pulled also.

Have a radish sandwich any one!
Great in salad too...........

Thumbnail by heycharlie
Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Charley, there are no pictures of white icicle in the
Plant files.
nor are there any for Early Scarlet Globe

Spokane Valley, WA(Zone 5b)

Very nice, Charlie! I planted Scarlet Globe radishes between the plantings on my potato row to mark it until the potatoes broke ground. Such a nice snack! :)

Say, FarmerDill, is there a difference between Scarlet Globe and Early Scarlet Globe? I have a nice photo of the Scarlet Globe, but didn't find a separate entry and was reluctant to mess up the PlantFiles.


Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

If there is a difference , it is at the strain level. I am not a radish expert, but I suspect that some suppliers use Early in the name, while others just go go with the main cultivar name. I have not found any Seed suppliers that offers two radishes. Anyhow they look exactly alike, so enter your pictures. You might want to add that you grew it as Scarlet Globe and mention your seed source in the comments section.

Spokane Valley, WA(Zone 5b)

Thank you. Comments have been entered and a closeup of the actual radish has been submitted for consideration. :)

Your turn, Charlie! *hint* ;)

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Looks great Charlie! Wish I had taken pics of mine Saturday. The Cherry Belle were bigger than gold balls, and all tasted good. White Icicle too. I am leaving most of mine to go to seed as well. Supposed to deter the moth that lays vine borer and corn borer. Thanks for the tip on seed saving, can't have enough radish seeds. :-)

For my late corn patch, I will use daikon tokinashi radish, since it will germinate and grow in warm soil/weather. Anyone tried those yet?

I sliced a white icicle, sauteed in olive oil, with parmesan cheese. No hotness left in it! So good! My neighbor enjoyed what I gave her raw with her meatloaf, she said her meatloaf was bad and needed the heat LOL

San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

Had to look this up:
Notice tha last post on this pg. Went to a page here at DG where you had mentioned it be fore.
You've been goooogled lol.

Also; this page is good:
regarding various radishes, and other stuff.

Edited to use IE as tha addy didn't seem to work me.
This might:
[dyed in tha wool Firefox fan]

Don't look like its going to either.
I searched for (daikon tokinashi radish) using google. Worked from my puter.....

This message was edited Jun 20, 2005 9:53 AM

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Weird, Charlie, that link just brings back this page, are we in the twilight zone???

The other link was really neat, particularly since I am trying out SFG. Too bad that trial was a couple of years ago, they were offering free seeds!

San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

I noticed that also, but I thought it was a good info pg.
I used yahoo search and it came up like tha google.
this is Ask jeeves:
Should it come up, it shows a couple of post from DG from 2002

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

that IS cool.

I need to look for some recipes and pictures later on...

I printed out their seed list for next year's SFG...

San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

I need to look for some recipes and pictures later on..."
This cookbook is a treasure if ya like to take it from tha garden to the table.
This lady picks it, prepares, cooks, and serves it.
All from tha garden.
Many recipies also. Methods etc.

Used & new from $2.89__
Mine gets use a lot. Especially this time of year!

Also there is a mention of it here:

Thumbnail by heycharlie
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)


(Zone 2b)

Boil jus like ya would a turnip or potato.
Grate and stir fry
Cream of radish soup
Radish & tater boiled together
Beef stew with radish
Potato pancake with radishes.........
[All these and more are found in "Joy of Gardening Cook Book"

Cooked radishes? I've never had cooked radishes. We always eat them raw, either alone or in salad.

San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi spectrum from western Canada.
Asways wanted to go there, especially into and through Calgary.

We also like to eat ours tha same way. Had some in a salad last night. Squash too.
That's for tha tender ones picked small.
Those that get so huge is tha ones we cook. If ya get a chance, and have a surplus give it a try.

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

Charlie...at what temps is it safe to plant the radishes. Ours got planted in March (do I need to tell you how they turned out) so I was going to give it another try..I figure Aug is still to hot (or is it ok) remember I grow things in buckets..I am so going to have to come up and raid your freezer.


San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey Saint;
Radishes do like cool weather!
I generally start mine when I think its safe to plant me maters.
Some times Aug is strange, like 1990 or 91 it got down to tha 50's at -nite!
I'll probably wait till Sept. depending on weather as to what part.
However, when I transplant tha next tamaters some radishes will go in the rows, which will be sometime early Aug. I can and have gone back to planted maters, using a shuffle hoe and simply add more seed.

A thought!
Do you have an area of yard that isn't used much?
Along a fence, where ever. Can you see dirt through it?
A ditch somewhere!
This idea isn't original!
Sprinkle some radish seeds into the grass. Water and watch!
Most likely get a few at any-rate ya see lol......
Some radishes as we know are ready to eat in about 25 days.
This works with greens too.
Had mustard in a ditch one fall. It was a stopper lol.

I think TF's mention of:
(Daikon Radish)
MIght be worth a shot. Should I do this, a few will go ta seed. Guarantee hehe hoho lol.

Since tha Saint didn't come marching in tha [what's her face] gave your fresh picked corn to her friends at church Sun. Haha, I guess your corn got blessed no how.
Gonna plant fer tha fall though.

This message was edited Jun 21, 2005 1:32 PM

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

auuugh nooo not my corn! *sniffle*

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