Kiss-Me-Kate blooming plus another UNKNOWN

Waxhaw (Charlotte), NC(Zone 7b)

Here is Kiss Me Kate again

Thumbnail by kdjoergensen
Waxhaw (Charlotte), NC(Zone 7b)

And here is the UNKNOWN.. any ideas ?

My first thought was "Royal Sunset" but the colors are not quite right (pollen, stigma and petals should be more red)


This message was edited Jun 16, 2005 7:45 PM

Thumbnail by kdjoergensen
Englishtown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Hey Ken - Is that the Kiss Me Kate from our trade last year? Here's some of mine...

Thumbnail by mvespa
Englishtown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Here's a group shot

Thumbnail by mvespa
Waxhaw (Charlotte), NC(Zone 7b)

Very nice.. I actually like the pink look better (is that just the camera ??)

Englishtown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Not sure if it is the camera. KMK seems to start out with the colors in the first shot and then fade to the colors in the second shot. If you look in the bottom right hand corner - you see the lily in the first shot.

(Sue) South Central, IA(Zone 5a)

kd, here is my KMK the front blossom is the old one and the rear blossom is the fresh one. Mine definately goes from pinkish to orangey as it ages.

Thumbnail by llilyfan
Waxhaw (Charlotte), NC(Zone 7b)

Glad to know.. maybe I have tons of KMK's then.. I did plant several large bulblets courtesy of mvspa so I will keep an eye out for them as they age... Thanks lilyfan..

Englishtown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Wow some of those bulbets bloomed for you already? Some of mine have single blooms too. It's amazing how the asiatics multiply for me.
I have to pay more attention to mine - I think they start out more reddish orange and then fade to that pinkish color as they age.

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