Two Plum Questions

Tilton, NH(Zone 4a)

First, I have a plum tree that seems to be in perfect health, has been growing for over twelve years in its appointed place... but has never borne fruit. It came from a baby thrown off my Great-Grandmother's Green Gage plum tree, I think, but I am not sure of the identification. So far as I know, she had no other plum trees, but the parent was loaded with plums every year. Of course, this was coastal Oregon, so maybe it is my climate... I do have wild plums about, not to mention a couple of domestic I planted two years ago that bloomed this year. So why no fruit?

Secondly, my grandmother, who lives about 8 miles from me, so it is also zone 4, has a plum with some kind of disease. The twigs are encrusted with, to quote her "black crusty yuck". Anyone have any ideas? My wild plums have a virus that affects their leaves and fruit, but it doesn't do that to the tree. Dad is telling me that this year it has few leaves, and they were slow to come out. In years past she got a nice harvest off it, but this last year she didn't get much, I think, although the local black bear was eating her peaches and may have gotten to the plums, too.

Thanks For any help or advice that could help me make a more informed search.

The picture is of my plum, in blossom last year. It did bloom heavily this year as well.

Thumbnail by Linnea
La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

You need a European plum pollinator. Plums, with a few exceptions, do not self-pollinate. It is possible that her 'Green Gage' plum tree was not a true 'Green Gage.' There may be other European-type plums in her neighborhood and not in yours which is why you get flowers but no fruit. I found a link for you with some information on plums.

About the black crusty yuck, get a sample and take it to your Extension County Agent. He should be able to identify it and if not, has access to university personnel who can.

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