My first seedlings ever!!

Queen Creek, AZ(Zone 9a)

I'm so excited. I planted some broccoli and other stuff on 6/12 and the broccoli is already sprouted. This is a first for me. I've never started seeds before. Ok, I'm good now. Here's a couple pictures to show you. I'm so proud!!!!

Thumbnail by Judy81350
Queen Creek, AZ(Zone 9a)

Heres another one of the same seedlings. I can't wait for the other stuff to sprout. I have Jelly Bean Tomatoes, Big Beefy Tomatoes, Acorn Squash, 2 kinds of cucumbers, herbs, etc. This is awesome!

Thumbnail by Judy81350
Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Good Job Judy!!!!!!!! Isn't it cool to grow from seed kinda like cooking from scratch

Spokane Valley, WA(Zone 5b)

Yay, Judy! :)

Pleasant Grove, UT(Zone 6b)

Wow when will you put it out? Zone differences really mess with your expectations. I started my cole crops in February... I think that is when people in AZ start their first garden... so they would have had to start those in what... November?


Queen Creek, AZ(Zone 9a)

Its so amazing. I never thought I could do this. I bought that jiffy mix and the pots to go with it. Now I want to plant some more. Maybe I'll actually get good at this. lol Growing vegies from scratch is so much more rewarding then buying the seedlings. I'll still buy those too, but I think starting my own seed is definitely going to be part of my gardening experience from now on. I can't wait to take pics of the end results to share with you all. :)

Queen Creek, AZ(Zone 9a)

These guys are for my fall garden. The extension office suggested I start them now to give them at least 6 weeks growth. They go in the ground Aug. 15th. I sure hope they do well.

Haines Falls, NY(Zone 4b)

Wow, that's a lot of stuff. I started from seed for the first time, last year, and I was so happy when the first kale came up and my brother was there, I kept showing him, he almost killed me. I think I know how you feel :) Go Judy!!!!!!!!!!!

Queen Creek, AZ(Zone 9a)

Thank you!!! I have my box of seeds in front of me right now and I'm wanting to put some of them in the ground NOW. lol I must have patience. lol

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

I like to grow them cool with lots of bright light and plant them out at about three inches high they are big feeders so they get a good feeding plus lime in the area they will be grown in.

Good luck with yours. In case you don't know they should be planted in new dirt each year to avoid club root which strikes when that entire family of crops linger in one area to long.

This is one such morsel harvested last end of the year from my fourth planting late fall heads are so sweet here I plant last week in aug this usually works in my zone but sometimes it gets frozen slowing its size like this one. Ernie

Thumbnail by eweed
Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Ernie, nice brocolli. Got any seeds for that money plant?

Queen Creek, AZ(Zone 9a)

eweed, I will remember that. NICE broccoli. I love raw broccoli with ranch dressing. My grandkids all love broccoli. I wanted to try some brussels sprouts but decided one cruciferous vegie for me first time around. I love brussels sprouts. I also wouldn't mind starting an asparagus patch. I hear it takes around 2 years from first planting to get anything. I can wait. Any recommendations for planting asparagus?

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

What's a jelly bean tomato Judy?

Queen Creek, AZ(Zone 9a)

They are grape type tomatoes. I have never seen them before. I am starting 8 plants. Do you want some of the seeds I have?

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

Thanks but I think it's to late to start plants for fall but if they are good plz remind me so I can plant some next year. I swear I write a note to myself and lose it..I send myself emails etc and I still forget stuff.

Queen Creek, AZ(Zone 9a)

The county extension agent I talked to said I should have started my tomatoes about 2 weeks sooner then I did, but he said I might get lucky if we don't have an early freeze. I shall be prepared for next year. I'm safe on the broccoli though. All the others I can direct seed when the time comes. I'm eyeballing my 4 baby tomatoes. That bird netting I put on my tomatoes is working out real good. There were about 4 birds standing on the ground outside the fence, looking at the plants lovingly. They aren't really bothering the tomatoes, but they dig up all around the plants. But I'm sure when those babies turn red, they would be on em like flies to, you know. lol

San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey Saint & Judy;
Starting plants, I back up from my average first frost.
These particular maters were planted 5/24/05.
It will take three pic's to really show what I did lol what we did. Herself gets down and plants them.

This next week we will seed many more tomatoes, that should take us to frost.
Its the final planting when we stock up. Can, freeze & dry!
This area, is the only place I have that is shaded. Notice it sets behind the squash.

That's alfalfa pellets around tha plant.

Thumbnail by heycharlie
San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

Each plant gets a shovel of mushroom compost, right over the alfalfa.

Thumbnail by heycharlie
San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

I used short stakes because these are determinate and will do a true string weave.
They get heavy with tomatoes and will fall over otherwise.
Tha foreground are bush golith, others are longkeeper.

It hit 106 heat index tha day I drove the stakes. Haha and, not really funny, had a major black out.
I noticed it when my outside fan quit!

Judy, I still get excited after all these years. Its wonderfull isn't it!
I notice there is a John Deere in your second pic.

This message was edited Jun 17, 2005 3:40 PM

Thumbnail by heycharlie
Queen Creek, AZ(Zone 9a)

heycharlie, nice tomatoes. I never thought about using alfalfa pellets. I feed pellets to my horses. Maybe I should put some around my tomatoes. I have just the hay so far. They are doing real good. All I can do is hope that my little seedlings at least grow. I'm pretty much just seeing if I can actually get something to grow from seed. I consider them my little guinea pigs. lol Don't work too hard in that heat.

San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey Judy, I know ya can. Get things ta grow from seed.
Ya know that's what seed are made for lol!
The tomatoes you see in tha pic's will get nothing but the alfalfa, once.
Notice how heavy I put it on. Haha & hey, never heard of an overdose using it.
The mushroom compost also is heavy, right up to the plant stem soforth.
Ya got horses, know one of the main things in mushroom compost?
Horse manure! Aged of course.
We even use a little in our seeding mixture.
Good luck.
Don't forget to talk to them. Singing is nice too!

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

I started mine the 29th under a light inside...don't look near as big as yours. You just planted the seed in the ground and it got that large? Pardon me if you answered this I'm kinda loopy cause of the relaxers I've taken..

San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

Sorry about that Saint!
They were transplanted on that date.
Here is a pic, not very good but its the actual day planted and watered in.

I wear a back support everyday because I broke mine years ago.
I use the adjustable ones you can get anywhere, even wally-world. I keep two, made jus different enough to help when tha other one dosen't do tha job.
When it get to bad I use a TENS unit.
I mention this only because I don't, can't use various medication. My stomach has bleed before.
Last April I almost died from loss of blood in me tummy

A back support might jus help!
Even when your back isn't hurt, it might keep ya from hurting or pulling something.
My [what's her name] uses one from time ta time.
I heard her say while ago, she wished she'd put hers on.
Been picking raw pickles and tamaters ya see!
Serves her-rite lol
She made me drive 220 miles this morn to pick up some mayhaw jelly.
I use the wider support when driving, rather tight. I seems to really help over tha lumps and bumps.

Thumbnail by heycharlie
Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

Bahh next time just email me and I'll send you some. Mayhaw jelly is everyplace around here. I can't remember the name of the people that make it (has a gold or silver label) it's very good.

Well I have a very simple way to get my back to stop hurting but the DH cries when I bring it up (going under the knife) you'd think they belonged to him.

Well I hope come Aug. when it's time to put my fall plants out that they do well. I'm following the chart from the ext. service, maybe I should have started mine earlier.


Queen Creek, AZ(Zone 9a)

heycharlie, my basil just popped its head out of the ground today. I did a little dance and spoke nice and soft to it. Ok, I'm weird. My little Jelly Bean tomatoes are mostly up too. My cucumbers are so cute. So far the Acorn Squash is still sleepin. I have a few herbs that I'm watching too. I'm starting to think I can grow stuff from scratch. lol When my granddaughter saw them she just went awwwwww, how cute. I'm getting ready to plant some Desert Willows soon. Not sure how I should plant them, but I'm trying sand thats for sure. I have plenty so if they don't germinate I can try some more. They take like 20 to 40 days to germinate unless you start them in wet paper towels.

I've got enough aged horse manure to start a huge garden. most of it is at least 2 years old. I knew I was saving it for something. I'm keeping all your little growing tips in my head so maybe I can get some decent maters and vegies. This is so exciting. My husband thinks I'm nuts. Well he not too far off from his thinkin, thats for sure.

I had a bad back for awhile after it got broke by a horse. That hurt, ALOT!! It pains me now and then, but I usually work right thru it. I don't take anything but aspirin or tylenol and it helps a little. Muscle relaxers make me loopier then I already am. haha

Hmmm, mayhaw jelly. That sounds interesting. The weirdest jelly I ever tasted was pomegranate. It was very tasty.

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