Frontporch Milkbox becomes a planter...

Lomita, CA(Zone 10a)

Yes, I am 43 and remember having an old metal milkbox on my front porch growing up. I remember having milk and butter delivered and, when that service was no more, the box sat there still. I wanted one of my own, to remind me of those days and of my late parents, and secured a lovely one from ebay.

I lined it with a plastic bag and added potting soil and pansies. They've just begun to open...


Thumbnail by BassetMom
Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)


Thanks for posting this, it's lovely! What a find!


Lomita, CA(Zone 10a)

Thanks, Maggie! I just had to have it!

Nothing like good memories to make you smile. I'm going to add black and orange pansies in the fall.


Richmond, VA(Zone 7a)

BassetMom, thanks for showing us your milkbox. I too remember getting milk in the metal milkbox and I have actually saved the original one my parents used. It's sitting on my front porch and I have often thought about making it a container garden and now you have inspired me to do it. Yours looks great!!

Gresham, OR(Zone 8a)

OOOOOhhhhh! You have touched a very sweet memory for me! I am older than dirt..., er, I meant to say that I'm a bit older than you are, BassetMom. We had a milk box, too, but ours was wood with the dairy's name painted in red. It sat on our front porch, and I've thought of it so often!

My dad sold logging equipment here in Oregon, and was always bringing home some sort of critter that he found out on the back roads while he was calling on his logging clients. He brought home turtles he found on the road, crawdads from creeks, frogs...we three kids made pets out of all of them!

One day, my dad called my 'big brother' out to the porch, and told him to sit on the milk box. My sister and I watched as our soon-to-be-a-teenager-big-brother sat down as told, clueless to what my dad was up to. All of a sudden, we heard a huge THUD come from the inside of the box, and it scared my "big" brother and he jumped up and fell off the box!!! My dad had found and brought home an enormous frog! It probably weighed a couple of pounds! It had jumped in the box, hitting the lid my brother was sitting on and nearly scared him to death! We had the best laugh! And the frog? He had a home in our back yard for years...

thanks for the sweet reminisce...


Lomita, CA(Zone 10a)

I love sharing such happy memories with my kids. And, they see the box every time they go outside and think of their grandparents... My neighbors have even stopped to comment on their memories...


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Looks great, Barb. I'm always looking for old or neat containers.
:) Donna

Lomita, CA(Zone 10a)

Thanks, Donna! The pansies are now in bloom and it looks better than ever.

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