Are these a good or bad caterpillers?

Deridder, LA

These are on my lilies. I don't know if the are caterpillers that turn in to butterflies or what. Someone please help. They are eating my plants ,so for only the lilies, but I can deal with it if they make beautiful butterflies. Plese help.

Thumbnail by Marylrushing
Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

I don't know who they are but spray every day with dish soap and water or garlic juice and water . Maybe they will move on . I teaspoon to a wind ex size bottle of water

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

As a general rule, the more colorful caterpillars make the pretty butterflies. But I don't know what kind they are.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

They're eating only lilies? What kind in particular?

Take a lok at this and see what you think

This message was edited Jun 12, 2005 9:32 PM

Deridder, LA

those look an awful like them. I'm not sure. Any imformation on them all i could find was the picture.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Killerplants is pretty interesting ~ I found it last night. The link I provided is for a pseudosphinx moth, not a pretty butterfly.

Deridder, LA

I am not good on names but I call it an old fashioned lily i beleive it is actually in the amarylis family it has pink blooms light pink with a darker pink stripe down the bloom. The blades are wide and dark green. Thank you all for the help if it is a moth I believe I will do more than the soapy water ( which I just did). Thank you all for the help

Monroe, NC(Zone 7b)

Good heavens! It looks like and invasion of aliens! They look huge. I think I might freak out if I went outside and saw that many of those guys hanging out on my lilies.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Totally creeped me out. I'd have to wipe them out on sight!

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