Brown Turkey fig

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

I didn't think it made it over winter,so I cut it back to 4 ft from 8ft,even though I covered it with burlap,I just didn't think it was alive,after all it's the middle of May and nothing,no growth or any signs of life, look what 3 weeks can do!Wished now I hadn't cut her back,who knew!!!???
Thats it on the right side of picture.

Thumbnail by Tropicman
Longboat Key, FL

My brown Turkey is back in FL, while we're here in NJ. I planted it end of last December, and we were eating delicious figs starting May 1st. I guess you must scrape into the cambium layer BEFORE doing any cutting back. You have to get down into the "green", and cut just below there.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

You know I did that check and it was just barely a light green,but when I bent a twig back it snapped which lead me to believe it was dying anyway,when I made my cuts I noticed the center of the stems with a white epoxy like substance,I've never seen before,it was soft,so I didn't finish cutting it all the way down,still giving it hope that it would some how come back,and it did!!!

Longboat Key, FL

The white substance is the sap. Watch out. Don't let it get on your hands. Green is good, in the cambium layer. Good luck for fruit.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Thanks,probably won't be much since I cut it in half!!!

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