How to use pine stump grindings for mulch

Port Saint Joe, FL(Zone 8a)

I have had several pine stumps ground up. I would love to be able to use this as mulch, but need to know the process. It's 2 weeks old now and has lost the pine smell.

Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)

Lynda, when I had my pine stumps ground down, a couple of radio gardening gurus in my area (yes, I called two, for a second opinion) said the sawdust should be allowed to compost for at least a year. While it may not smell like pine any more, it still robs nitrogen from the soil as it breaks down as any "fresh" organic matter does. I shoveled mine into black trash bags, making sure to include some soil, dragged them to a spot where they would be out of the way (luckily it was also a spot in some sun), and then let it be for a year and a half before I started adding it in with other compost I made. (I did also water it down once it was "parked".)

Don't know if that was the right thing to do, but it's what I did!

Port Saint Joe, FL(Zone 8a)

Thanks, I hate to lose potentially good compost, if that's what it is.

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