How do you get rid of the fungi on the filter paper

Arroyo Grande, CA

The most significant problem I have had is fungi growth on the filter paper. How can you get rid of that. I have thought of the H2O2 soaking or spritzing, Aliette soaking of the seeds, soaking and spritzing with a chamomile tea solution. Has anyone tried these solutions and do they work?

New York & Terrell, TX(Zone 8b)

I use liquid kelp (diluted) to cut down the fungi growth, damping off, root rot; both on the soil, in the starting medium & on the filter paper & seedings. I use spring, well or filtered water to diluted it with. Not water with chlorine in it.

I've used it for 7 years now without fail, it always does the best for all of them. You have to use it from the start to prevent it. I use religiously.

~* Robin☺♫

Arroyo Grande, CA

I brewed up some chamomile tea half strength replaced all the filter papers of the affected seed, damped the new filter papers in tea, dipped the seeds that hadn't broken dormancy in a diluted bleach solution and rinsed them. It doesn't seem to be getting any worse, just some seeds are affected and only some of the seedlings of the affected seeds get the damping off. It was the worst on the erythrina and some of the datura. A lot of the proteacae had fungi on the paper and on the seed coat but none of them have broken dormancy yet, so I washed them. I think the aliette helped, but it was hard to use without getting it on me and my hands and it is slightly toxic. Captan and other fungicides are supposed to work. I am inclined toward washing all the seeds in dilute bleach before doing the filter paper. But I want to see what happens with this group. I think some of the filter papers got too damp, so replaced them and lessened the dampening. Rotating the filter papers seems to help keeping the moisture level constant.

Arroyo Grande, CA

Just a small amount of fungus left but it is not affecting anything and all the new ones are just fine. Getting ready to do some more erythrina, solanaceae, crotalaria, which were the worst culprits. Hard seed definitely going to get a bleach rinse first.

New York & Terrell, TX(Zone 8b)

Ya know, when you soak the hard seeds for 24 hours why don't you use the peroxide treatment. It prevents the fungus too.

Propagation: seed germination-DAYlilies

~* Robin☺

Arroyo Grande, CA

Some I do. What concentration do you use? I have heard various ideas about strengths of the solution. When I did it before with the brugmansias, I used the 3% and diluted about 50%. I got some fungi with the brugs, but mostly with the erythrina.

New York & Terrell, TX(Zone 8b)

Same 3% peroxide concentration, 1 teaspoonful per 8 ounces hottest water (I now use spring or filtered water) zapped for 1 minute in the microwave. Sometimes as much as 1 tablespoonful of peroxide. In some places the city water has different water chemicals that interfere with the peroxide.

~* Robin☺

Arroyo Grande, CA

I am doing a bunch of soakers tomorrow. Alstroemeria, Datura, Brugmansia, Erythrina, Crotolaria, some other Aussies and ZA stuff. The seeds came from Kirstenbosch and the smoke primer was so strong I thought I was in a fire on the way home from the post office. Some need H2O2, some boiling water, some warm water, some water plus smoke, some cold stratification only after a soak. Got through all the easy ones, so these are left.

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