MollyMcC is this jadare???????

Cape May Court House, NJ(Zone 7a)

I ran across a listing on e-bay for heurchera and I found something a little curious!! Check these 2 auction's out.

The first one is one from jadare (amber) where the person gave a negative feedback because he had not recieved his plant's.

The second one is a new listing, the seller is from Idaho (same as jadare) and it is the exact same plant with the exact same picture.

Some of the plant's are VERY similar!! What do you think??


This message was edited May 29, 2005 9:37 PM

This message was edited May 29, 2005 9:41 PM

Cape May Court House, NJ(Zone 7a)

Here is another with the same picture, and there is one more also and it is the white daisy!! They use almost the same wording too!!

First one is jadare (amber)

Second one is new Seller

This message was edited May 29, 2005 11:50 PM

Cape May Court House, NJ(Zone 7a)

Again the first one is Jadare and the second one is the new seller.. They BOTH grow this plant underneath their Hosta.. Discription's are starting to sound VERY much the same!!!!

Cape Cod, MA(Zone 7a)

Very interesting. I ordered from her too and have not recieved my plants. I checked her ebay feedback, and the Watchdog, and wow. I'm not the only one! What is going on here?

Cape May Court House, NJ(Zone 7a)

Not too sure what is going on, I have been getting VERY nice plant's from her for several year's and I am really puzzled!!!!!


Cape Cod, MA(Zone 7a)

Well, that's why I was so eager to order from her, she came so highly recommended. Very Weird. it's like she had 3,000 positive feedbacks on ebay then suddenly dropped off the face of the earth. (And came back as someone else????)
Paypal has buyer protection but it is only good for 45 days after payment is made. With plants, as you know, we often buy them and wait for them to be shipped in Spring. So the 45 days does us no good. :(

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


You are right, the pictures are all the same for the ones on the new listings. The advertising technique appears to be different and the disclaimers aren't as detailed.

I called Amber yesterday, the number has been disconnected. I also emailed the new Seller and asked a couple questions. We'll see if I get an answer.

As I said on another thread, I'm not ready to jump on that bandwagon of accusations of dishonesty. Her plants are not generally high ticket items. The number of bad feedbacks would hardly generate enough money to her to "take the money and run".

On May 16 a feedback stated she refunded money to one buyer. And it appears as tho her phone was disconnected sometime around May 11.

Since she has no items for sale on Ebay and her website is down and apparently has been down for a couple weeks, it doesn't seem as though she is perpetrating a fraud. It appears to me that there is something on a personal level has happened to shut down her business. I had a communication from her a while back which gives me a reason to take this position at this time.

I received 75% of my last order from her with a note that the balance would be sent in a couple weeks. The plants I did receive in the middle of April were packaged as she has always done. Packed well, tagged and in excellent shape. Definately Amber's hands, whereas some other feedbacks indicate she was no longer handling things.

I'm doing some more checking this week as I have time, to see what happened to her.


Cape May Court House, NJ(Zone 7a)

I am very worried about her!!

I have alway's been very happy with her plant's and also with her great service! I was not looking to start anything by the way, i just ran accross these auction's while looking for perennial's!

The last email I got was about a delay in shipping which was fine with me but when I got a reply it was not from her, it said they would pass the message on to Amber! It seemed a little strange at the time but I figured her business was just growing.


Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Sorry Sue,

I didn't mean to imply that you were, really. When I posted a little bit ago I had just got back from reading all those scathing feedbacks and I guess it twisted me a bit, if you know what I mean.

I too am very concerned about what may have happened to her. I can do a bit of reseach on finding people, addresses, phone numbers and sometimes even criminal reports but I have come to a dead end in my cyber abilities. Idaho also seems to be a bit "backwards" as far as being computerized in their government agencies. So at this point I am a bit stumped.

Does anyone know how to find newspaper archives for Boise Idaho to access news reports, local info for the past say, 30-45 days?


Cape May Court House, NJ(Zone 7a)

Molly I did not mean to imply that you thought I was trying to start trouble I just wanted to let anyone know that woud read this post that I was not trying to cause a problem.

I wonder if any DG member's live in the area?

we can try a google search for Idaho newspapers also to see if anything pop's up!!


Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Ponditis lives in Idaho, but she's 85 miles from there.

Idahoan lives in Boise. DG mailing now.

Hi All,

Hope no news is good news. Checked with the Idaho Statesman and there is nothing in the obits or the news going back to 1999.

There are legal death notices going back 8 days. Nothing. I will call the paper in the morning and check for the past month or so.

That the "other party" is using the same pictures as Ambers is a given. Whether or not it is legal in Ebays estimation or not is unknown. I don't know if maybe there is a photographic library on Ebay for the sellers to use. I have been Yukons_mom on Ebay since Oct 1999 and I still don't quite understand how they do things. Most of the pictures in the auctions have a little camera somewhere stamped on the picture. They might be an Ebay copyright.

I think someone should send a note to Amber's old address and see if it gets forwarded to a family member. Or maybe Amber is still living at the address and unable to fulfill her Auction obligations.
I don't see her as the type to shirk her responsibilities. I have dealt with her in the past when we were living in CA. and she was conscientious!

I question the second party in Boise, ID having an auction for the same items. That just doesn't happen. Has anyone left a message for Amber using the "leave a message regarding this auction to the seller"? I'm going to Ebay after this message and check out a few things and see if there is something I missed earlier.

For everyone who is waiting for something from a completed auction by Jadare and you really think there is something suspicious going on, get on Ebay Safe Harbor and demand they investigate what is going on regarding the missing Amber and the second seller from Boise. When I said everyone, I meant everyone. There is strength in numbers! Don't appear to be complaining about Amber, just mention you're worried and you want to find out if they know anything and also mention the similarities in the auctions. I agree the wording is similar, but the other party has not copied Amber's boilerplate and the moving graphics.

Molly has the information on how to get hold of Boise PD. I checked the phonebook here and there are two females with the last name of Hearn in the area - could they possibly be family members? And, was Amber married? I dealt with her, but was never in a position to be a friend. You all would know more than I. If you think it would help I could contact the two women.

If there is anything that my husband and I could do, please let me know.


Well I checked out a few things and I'm back.

Jasonic2002 has 1 positive feed back since November 2004. Just 1 completed auction. Today this party has 3 PAGES of auctions. I think I'm going to do some bidding. I want to see what we're dealing with here.

Will keep you posted.


Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh my, I realize its only been a day but has anyone gotten any knew information? Ive never dealt with Amber myself only becuase I dont buy online that much at all but this is getting freaky. My sonar is going up on this just from reading.

Just a thought and maybe far fetched also, do you think maybe she sold her home/buisness for personal reasons and had to make it fast?

This message was edited Jun 1, 2005 8:15 AM

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

I wrote to Jasonic2002 on 5/29 : "You seem to have taken over Amber's business. Please advise what happened to Amber. Thank you."

His response on 5/30: I think you must have sent this to the wrong person as your question makes no sense to me. Thanks. Jason

I again wrote on 5/30: Jason, please see item # 4382126810, look at the feedback on that seller, her location in proximity to you and then then email me at **************.net My last email was not sent to you in error. This is about Amber and how these similarities will effect your ability to sell your plants on EBay. Thank you and I hope you will respond to this inquiry. Molly

I have not received a second response from Jason, yet.

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)


I ordered from Amber after seeing her good ratings here. The plants were sent on time, and this was back in March.
Two things come to mind: drugs and domestic violence. I hope neither of these is accurate.
People are allowed to sell their businesses or have people take over them. But if it's on the 'up and up', there would be no secrets.

I just read a message from Molly. I had wanted Amber's address and we'd go there and find out what was going on. Unfortunately, Ebay addresses aren't' really exact. When Molly gave me Amber's address I knew exactly who Amber is, but she doesn't really live close to Boise. Amber lives in Idaho City, ID. It is a tourist attraction at a historical town up in the Boise mountains.

If I can talk my husband into driving up there in the rain we'll go up and see what we can find out. Does anyone know approximately when Amber went missing?


Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


My best guess is the first or 2nd week in May, maybe even before that. I received some plants from her in April with a promise for the last four the first of May.

I sent her a personal email after that date but did not hear from a human again.



We'll be leaving for Idaho City within the hour.


Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

I'm glad I found this thread. I am very concerned also. Judy, Thank you for checking on her. Stay safe!!!!

To all who count Amber as a friend, the news could be worse.

Amber went to visit one of her siblings in North Carolina and while there was involved in a very serious accident. She was driving behind a truck carrying Seadoos. Something happened and the Seadoos came loose and hit her car. Her car went out of control and maybe rolled. She is in a hospital somewhere in North Carolina. I talked to a friend of Amber's son who was collecting her mail and he said he would get the address of the hospital if he could. I think he will be contacting Amber's husband first. Don't know for sure.

Her mail is being collected, maybe some cards to the house wouldn't hurt. I know her husband will be back here before she is.

In the mean time, prayers always help. From what we were told, she was hurt very badly. She is young enough to heal, but I think it wouldn't hurt to have a number of friends pulling for her.

We'll let everyone know where she is as soon as we get word.


On another note,

I contacted Jasonic2002 last night and he answered my e-mail.

He is in Boise and he is just starting out on Ebay. He's just selling plants. He has nothing to do with Amber or her plants. Amber's plants are being taken care of by a neighbor.

Hope this clarifies the auction questions.


Cape May Court House, NJ(Zone 7a)

Judy ,THANK-YOU so very much for doing this and letting us know what was going on with Amber!

Piqua, OH(Zone 6a)

I have just gotten through ready this post and I am awestruck by the amount of caring and concern you all have shown for Amber! It restores my faith in humankind! :) What a wonderful group of people DG has. God bless all of you and God bless Amber and her family. :)

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

We're the best...prayers to Amber..]


Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Idahoan, thanks so much for finding out about Amber. Reading this thread, I was getting really worried. I know it is not normal for someones's beahvior to change all of a sudden like that. Sure hope she recovers and can get back to her business. Hopefully someone is taking care of her plants.


Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

Thank you for checking on her, Judy. Thank God she is still alive. What a scary time for her.

Is there any way we can let people on ebay know that she has been in a terrible accident and they will get their plants or refund sooner or later, that Amber is true to her word?

Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

I've sent several member to member emails to the ebayers who have put scathing remarks on her record. Below is what I sent to them. But apparently I reached my limit of emails that I can send out today. I was stopped at kerrcmbp on May 31. I was working backwards.

Jadare (Amber) has been in a terrible accident. She is in the hospital, lucky to be alive. You will get your refund or plants sooner or later. She does not work like this. She is true to her word. Check her feedback before May 19th.

Maybe I'm wrong in sending it? I would want to know if I had ordered from her and had not received any response or product.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


I applaud you for taking the time to email those ebay customers and letting them know about Amber's accident. Although we do have a lot of faith in Amber's integrity and honesty, we really don't know if she will be able to recoup and get back to Ebay. Her plants may all die before she makes it back home.

Our prayers are with her.


Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

Very true. I've just sent an email to eBay customer support. Hopefully they can put some kind of note in her Store, some kind of an Away message.

(Zone 7a)

I think you have done well to send these emails. If at all possible. Someone need to log into her eBay and put her store on vacation. This will show up on every page once the option is set. I'm praying for her.

Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

Thank you, Kim. Maybe someone would be able to get in touch with her husband and have him do it?

Cherishlife, great work! I never even thought about something like this happening to her! Do you want help emailing ebay customers? I"m glad to pitch in, but don't want people to be emailed twice. Let me know if I can help you.

Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

Thank you, pixy. However, there's been a couple of people who posted replies on their own feedback to help explain what's going on. Not only that, I've gotten a couple of nasty replies back from people wanting ME to pay them back. I don't think so!!! I think there is enough info on the feedback at this point to accomplish the same thing. Thanks for asking though.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

I also posted over in the Gardenwatchdog, an edit to my original posted rating. Hopefully someone will read it.

I believe you can only make one posting in the watchdog. Maybe someone who hasn't posted would like to do so at the top of the list providing the updated info.


East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Cherishlife, you HAVE GOT to be kidding!!! wanting money from you? That is insane! I guess once Ebay interferes maybe those people willl realize it's not a scam but a truly unfortunate accident.

Heartless people never understand the pure motives of the compassionate, and therefore those guys couldn't understand what you were trying to do. You'd think they'd feel horrible about Amber, and focus a little less on the money part. Poor them... (but it still shocks me when I hear stuff like that)

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

I just looked at the Ebay feedback, also at the announcements and general discussion boards. There were some additions put on the feedback acknowledging Ambers plight, but nothing I could find on the boards.

Sherri, good for you on your efforts to try to save Amber's reputation. Did you respond to those people that you were not a representative of Jadare?

Let's see if any more info comes in. Idahoan and here dh are working very hard for all of us doing newspaper research, car and leg work. They are to be commended for their efforts.


It's unbelievable that anyone would request money from you , Cherishlife! These people just don't get it. They must just think everyone is out to scam them. It's hard to deny her excellent feedback until the abrupt change, though. Some people just don't look at the evidence.
I'm still wondering about the photos on that other auction site, though. They did look like Jadare's photos and descriptions. Anyone know anything about that? Are they just photos that anyone can use?

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


I was thinking about the photo and description issue. It may well be photos and verbage provided by the plant wholesaler. It is not unusual for some of the better wholesalers to provide sales tools and programs for marketing their products.

Jason certainly doesn't have the history and background that Amber has. It appears he has not yet experienced the need for continually updating disclaimers and such for selling on Ebay.

Just my observation.

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