flowering vines for a west facing porch

My porch faces due west so it does not get any sun until the afternoon about 1PM. What would be good vines to try on the posts of the porch. I need a lot!!! of shade because I am in the middle of a field. My morning glories are looking at me like "Yeah". They are not even trying to give it a try. Help! CB

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

It is a little difficult to answer this question because I don't know where you are, but I also have a similar situation but with trees in the front of the house. If you grow vines up the porch posts I don't think they will give you too much shade. Would it be possible to erect a pergola structure in front of the porch and then you could grow wisteria for quick and dense cover, although it could get out of hand. Akebia quinnata is a lovely vine which you could intermingle with climbing roses. Or how about the Trumpet vine or Carolina jasmine.

for Louisa- I am zone 7b in Ahoskie,N.C. about 50 miles from the coast. The sun does not come around and touch the edge of the porch until 1 pm. There is a huge cedar tree that takes the sun away about 6 pm. That is really not many hours of sun. I am not really into what to do about partial shade and the required sun hours to make a plant able to thrive in this location. Any suggestions. I liked the vines you mentioned. I designed a curve between each post so the vines can creep and droop and help cut the glare. Bertha

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Five hours of intense afternoon sun in N.C. is, to my mind, sufficient for any sun-loving vine. Even your evergreen Carolina jasmine (yellow) will provide quick and rampant cover. Have you thought about honeysuckles and roses? The annual hyacinth bean is another rampant grower if you only want shade in the summer. Actinidia is another one that I just thought of. I like your idea of a bower between each post. Quite a few possibilities here :-)

Louisa, thank you, thank you, thank you. I may do one of each on the four posts and have a rampant jungle. I never thought about hyacinth vine. I want to put rosa banksia somewhere but all of what I read is it is good for a tree or a fence. Too rampant for a pergola off the side porch and around the side of the house over two windows?( When I talk house the run is not over 30 feet if that. I am in one of those old shotgun houses.) I have not lived in this zone before and I am having to go slowly and see what works and what goes belly up. Bertha

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm glad I could help a little Bertha. There are many climbing roses that would do so well there without being overpowering. I do have archways in between my posts and I have just started the first bed and planted a climbing Iceberg. I intend to grow a clematis through it - possibly a viticella! For a background (below the porch on the brick pier) I am planting euonymous Silver Queen and hope this will highlight the rose.

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Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)


You need to try Hyacinth Bean Vine, it's
a fast, prolific grower, and the aroma is
to die for. A really wonderful plant for the south.


Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

eyes glad you agree with me :-)

Lufkin, TX

What about Wisteria?

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