Wanted: fuschia

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Anybody have a red and white fuschia?

Arroyo Grande, CA

You mean the one with red on the outside and white inside, grows about 4-6 ft tall, tough? I have it. Do you do cuttings?.. I could bring some to the roundup, if you are coming, they won't be rooted but they will be fresh. Mine doesn't have any fuschia mite.

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Any red and white will make me happy. I won't be at the roundup and yes I do cuttings. I'll send postage or if you need something, let me know. Thanks.

Arroyo Grande, CA

I haven't done cuttings before, but will pick out some reasonably straight canes, not too thick. It is blooming like crazy right now. Do you have my address? Send me a Davemail if you do not.

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Thanks Chuck, you've got mail!

Arroyo Grande, CA

I will check it when I get back on Monday. I am off in about ten minutes to go Trail Riding until Monday afternoon.

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

OK, thanks...be safe.

Arroyo Grande, CA

I survived. It is hard work having that much fun. Falling further behind in the yard, though.

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

I know the feeling. I'm so behind.

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