Citrus Issues

Gotha, FL(Zone 9a)

Could I please get some feedback on some recent ailments I have discovered on my Persian Lime and citrus ‘cocktail’ tree? 1) Irregular leaf shape (raised cones) accompanied by brownish raised blemishes on leaves and fruit. 2) Black sooty deposits on leaves which seems to rub off rather easily; this may be some type of aphid 'honey dew' but I don't see any aphids, but I do have for the first time 3) discovered small raised oval shaped creatures / parasite / fungus on the leaf stems and immediate branch. I hope these are just mundane disorders which typically occur on citrus that can be controlled with oil sprays or other simple measures. Thanks again.

Thumbnail by Targator
Gotha, FL(Zone 9a)

Second photo

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Gotha, FL(Zone 9a)

Third photo

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Gotha, FL(Zone 9a)

Forth photo

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Gotha, FL(Zone 9a)

Fifth photo

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Gotha, FL(Zone 9a)

Sixth photo

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La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

You have scale, the little raised bumps, and sooty mold. Malathion or other insecticide that specifies it kills scale can be used to kill scale. Repeat applications must be used as directed in order to achieve complete control. Getting rid of the scale is supposed to get rid of the sooty mold which feeds on the sticky residue produced by scale. I didn't find that to be the case. A summer oil or another fungicide can be used to get rid of the sooty mold. I've also had some success in getting rid of sooty mold by scrubbing off and hosing the plant off. If there is too much of the stuff, that's not practical. Use a spray. Don't use a dormant spray oil. It's too heavy and could kill the leaves.

Gotha, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks Bettydee. I happen to have Malathion and will treat immediately.

Queen Creek, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hmmm, could it be that citrus canker? Don't know too much about citrus tree diseases. Whatever it is, its certainly not making your citrus very happy.

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