Can someone ID this guy for me?

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Heya friends. I'm trying to find names for some of the clematis growing in our lil jungle. This is a very old picture of what is a monster now, any ideas of the name?
Thanks, JD

Thumbnail by JLD_II
Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

here is another shot, I hope its the same 1.

Thumbnail by JLD_II
Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

Are the stamens yellow? It's hard to tell from the picture. It looks a little like General Sikorski, Which is blue with a very pale reddish purplish stripe down the middle of the petal and vivid light yellow stamens.

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

The stamens are more white if I remember correctly. The pedals have no red in them. Its a true blue as blue can be. It is normally blooming like mad by now but with our freakishly cold weather last month, everything is so far behind schedule. Thanks for your help, I sure appreciate it.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

kind of looks like ramona

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

Is it fragrant?

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

ramona isn't, is yours?


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Nope, it doesn't look like Ramona to me. Ramona has "large lavender blue flowers with deep red anthers".

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Hmm...Let me look closer, my wife says they don't have a smell to them so I can't say. I'll get better resolution pictures ASAP as they're all really beginning to thrive.
Thank you all for your help!

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

How about Lasurstern? I think that seems the right shape, background color, stamen color and number of petals.

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

I love your that a campsis in the background?
My vote is the lasurstern. I bought a multi blue this year, similar. Two of my favorite colors.
Love your jungle!

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Hellobebe, thanks very mch. I have that clematis in the link you provided and its very different from the 1 I pictured above. I need to get my own good digicam. I have a couple but they're so cheap that getting a picture that isn't blurred is next to impossible. The only good pics I get are from my mom's Sony Mavica that uses mini dcd's for film. Man I'd love to have one of those, they take awesome pics and being able to take a disc out of the camera and putting it in any cdrom drive kicks butt. Maybe if I'm really good, I'll get one for my B-day in July. I won'y hold my breath though.LOL

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

Maybe you have HF Young?
I was looking to get that one, and I think she has white stamens.
Pics look good JLD, I have a stinky camera. I can't bring myself to spend $$ on great camera when there are so many plants I want to buy LOL
Is that a campsis trumpet vine behind your clematis?
I love the blue and the vivid red blooms.

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

I don't even know how to post a picture - so you are way ahead of me.

I thought maybe H.F. Young, too.

The leaves definitely look like campsis.

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

I don't know if it is a campsis trumpet vine but it is a trumpet vine that will not die!LOL My mom brought over a small vine a few years ago and it was everywhere choking out clematis and everything else. I need to back up and widen that camera shot. There are probably 6 different clematis that have grown together on that fence. 1 enormous Henryi(I think, I saw that name on another post recently) another very deep blue/purple clematis, another that was tagged Dr. or Mr. Ruppert...Well now that I look again, I better just take another picture as there are so many blended together. They're just now really blasting off and will be a wall of blooms in the next few days. The Henryi is very old and so incredibly thick at the top of the fence. We pruned the heck out of it in early spring and that just made it grow in even thicker than ever. If you look down at the fence from above, it has grown to literally 1 to 1 1/2 foot thick/wide at the top. I guess since it has no where to climb, it just curls around and then begins to dangle back to the ground. I probably should of spaced them out more inbetween vines as they're coveing one another up. Luckily this grouping tends to bloom all at the same time and will continue to bloom all summer long. I've had so many people tell me that these are spring bloomer's as if they would flower 1 time in early summer then be just foliage. Well as long as I flood them regularly, they bloom all summer long. Am I lucky or is this the norm for you all too?
I can't wait till some of my newer "late blooming" clematis start to bloom. I went clematis crazy last summer and searched out as many different summer bloomers as i could find and I found a bunch of them.
I don't like chainlink fence at all but we had to put up a fence due to Canadian Geese in winter. We have a nice park and lake that borders our lot in the back and we didn't want to block the view. Those ^%#^(%)* Geese are such pests! They can be so thick some days in winter, the grass is totally blocked from view! Just geese eating away at the grass then leaving behind little piles of waste bigger than cats. EWW It's disgusting. I love my wildlife too, it's just such s shame they don't migrate like they used to due to people feeding them so heavily. The city and state have even posted signs asking people not to feed them for that very reason but sadly there is now a generation of geese that weren't taught to migrate and no longer do. Oh well, that lil rant got me way off topic!LOL
Since we had to do chainlink, we've decided to use all of it as a trellis even though it's not the best thing for metal fencing. The vines sure seem to like it.
Well I'm going to take some pictures and I'll be back to post them later this evening I hope.
Thanks, JD

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

I love the idea of a wall of blooming clematis!

Don't worry about your chain link fence, if you didn't plant it, weeds would just climb all over it anyway. Where I grew up (Oklahoma), we had one that was covered in morning glory - I laugh now because people in Connecticut actually PLANT it and coax and nurse their morning glories along! Don't they know it's a weed?!!

I just got a bunch of clems and I don't know what to do with them - I had an idea when I ordered them but have forgotten since then. Here's my list:

sweet autumn clematis
Etoile Violette
Montana Rubens (something ate it yesterday) :(
Montana Rubens Elizabeth
Jackmanii Superba
General Sikorski
Betty Corning

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Ivy I know exactly what your talking about, I'm an Okie too.
I had a bed full of a few Datura's last summer and a friend that worked at a grain silo came over and asked me why I had planted all this pig weed!LOL It was a total accident as I thought it would be another pretty moonflower like my others, It was so not. I went up to his work to find it growing like a noxious weed all over behind their bins.
Well her are a few pics of my clematis with many more covered with buds that will bloom any day. Forgive me for not recalling the names of them. I would need to know the Latin language in order to keep up with all the plants we have.
This one is one of my new favorites and if I had 1 more cup of coffee, I know I could remember its name!

Thumbnail by JLD_II
Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Here is a small section of one of my clematis walls. The white one is Henryi, the one on the far right is the same clematis I asked you all to help me id. The above picture was last summer and this was yesterday.

Thumbnail by JLD_II
Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

another I can't remember. I will go digging through all of the name tags later and try to match them up as I was smart enough to save them all.

Thumbnail by JLD_II
Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

This is the same plant with a newer or older flower, I forget which I posted first. There are 3-4 vines that I thought had 2 different vines growing, then I noticed that some flowers were just sun bleached!LOL

Thumbnail by JLD_II
Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)


Thumbnail by JLD_II
Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Then I saw a bloom on 1 of my favorites, passiflora belotti. It has the biggest flowers of all my Passiflora's and blooms on stop. Can you believe I got his 1 in the mail last spring as a un rooted 5 inch cutting? I have aquired almost all of my passion flowers by asking folks to mail me fresh snips and I rooted them. Thanks guys!

Thumbnail by JLD_II
Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Here ar 2 more of my passiflora's. Left is P. Incarnata and P. Caerulea on the right. I found this Incarnata growing wild in a ditch in S. Oklahoma over Memorial Day weekend about 5 years ago and I knew I had to have it.

Thumbnail by JLD_II
Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

One more Passiflora that's blooming now, Lavender Lady. She thrives everywhere in the yard from full sun to partial shade and blooms from spring till freeze. After getting this tiny cutting to root, I cut on it and am going to plant it in several places this summer.
I'll take more pics today hopefully, I ran out of disc space on the Mavica digicam so I need a new minicd before I can take more.

Thumbnail by JLD_II
Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

Your pictures look great! Your garden must be so beautiful.

I just got Passiflora "Incense" but I don't know where to put it! I know they grow tall, but in Ct. everything stays kind of shrimpy and small even when it says 20 ft.!

That first beautiful pale blue clematis looks like a giant Nigella or "Love in a mist", a gorgeous annual that's only about one inch in diameter!

Is Olathe very warm right now? We've been having terrible weather here. Nor'easters keep blowing the poor vines off my fence!

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

No our weather has just been insane this spring. We had 90's in April followed by 4 freak record breaking freezes and now it's in the 70's! My P. Incarnata is usually up in several places in the different beds and budding bigtime. I went out last evening looking for them and found 2 vines huddled up to the foundation and no bigger than a few inches tall! What the heck is going on with the weather?!? I have so many plants that are just all freaked out and stunted. All my brugs, many of which are normally blooming by now, are so pathetic and spindly looking.
I'm so saddened by this weather. I was ready for spring, I had so many plants fattened up and ready to be taken outside to thrive like they would of done any other spring but this 1. I had my 1000watt metal halide growlamp out most all winter getting everyone all lush and ready to go. Now they are all trying to recuperate covered with bleached leaves and the others are stretched out...Oh man you hit a nerve when asking about the weather!LOL Today the a/c should be cranked and running like mad and I should be comfy in shorts and a tanktop. Instead its rainy and 63f! It's almost too cool to have the windows open and my tank top is showing off all the goose bumps from the chilly mist. I'm all cold and whiney right now brewing a pot of java, this is just all wrong. LOL I'm laughing and smiling but still disapointed, I should be looking at tons of blooms on so many plants, not just my spring clematis. Oh well. My water bills will be at a record breaking low for this time of year.
I'm supposed to be on a beach right now at Lake Texoma on the TX/OK border in the Red River Valley, watching all the silly people that didn't turn Memorial Day weekend into a week long camping trip just now being stuck in traffic, giggling with a frosty cold drink in hand. My daughter got sick so we had to bail on this annual trip. I can't remember being home on this day since I was in Highschool 20 some years ago. I just pulled up the weather at the lake and it is almost the same weather there. I guess this is the best year to miss out on the annual trip as I would of been camping(w/o sleeping bags as its ALWAYS too hot for them normally) and freezing as I am here. I'm still in denile that I'm actually home.
I bet your sorry you asked that weather Q now! Thanks for asking me and allowing me to express my dismay. This sight by allowing me to vent via my ramblings probably saves me a fortune in therapy!LOL
I'm so happy to hear you mention "Love in a mist" as I have seedlings of it going in the ground soon. All the pictures I took are flowers atleast 4 inches in diameter.
I can grow darn near any plant and make it thrive but I can't remember the names of the majority to save my life! Everyone else around here can spit out the latin names of every cultivar like its nothing. I can always remember my Passiflora's but that's about it. I wonder that that says about a gardener?

I would put your incense anywhere you like providing you bring it in before it frosts. I find I get better flowering displays on most Passiflora's in pots with small trellis or set them by a fence or hand rail. That allows the roots to stay warmer than they would in the ground and it's easier to feed them as there is no surrounding soil to leach out the fert's. I always put a big pot of P. Lavender Lady on my deck potted up beside the handrail. It displays blooms all summer long from bothsides of the deck and climbs everywhere.
I better end this marathon post before I run off everyone. I get to rambling and it just keeps on pouring out, this extra pot of coffee doesn't help much either.

Camilla, GA(Zone 8b)

Hello Everyone,
I have recently purchased a Passiflora Caerulea " Blue Crown" Will it grow and return in zone 8?
It is in a 2 gallon nursery pot right now and was wanting to get it in the ground if it can take the winter here.

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

JLD- wow! I thought our weather was bad!

I know nothing about Passiflora. I simply bought it 'cause the vines I bought last year didn't grow very tall and someone said this was vigorous. I also bought 2 "Alice Dupont" Mandevillas (for my daughter Alice). They will grow through the deck railing and maybe attract hummingbirds if we ever get nice WEATHER.

Can you cut Passiflora for vases?

This message was edited May 28, 2005 9:30 AM

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Ivy. Passion flowers don't make good cut flowers sadly. But I think yours may survive your winters, I'm not positive though. The most important advise I can give to anyone growing passion flowers is to have a very loose, well draining soil.I have many of mine growing in a soiless medium made up of peatmoss, mushroom compost,screened pine barks, gypsome and dolomite lime. them i usually add a little scott's 3 in 1 compost potting soil and perlite to keep it very loose. Water runs right through the pots but it promotes crazy rooting. You can also use cheap potting soil as long as you add a little compost and a bunch of perlite to keep it loose and draining. I can't stress how much of a difference loose, fast draining soil makes, it is crucial if you want to be rewarded with blooms galore. I love keeping many of them in pots as it is easier to prune and manipulate them into blooming more rather than focusing on leaf/vine development. The ones growing in the ground tend to have more foliage and less flowers. I'm sure others will probably disagree and have different results. I guess its what works best for you personally. Just think loose soil!

hol36. I think this picture below if the 1 you have. I know it as P. Caerulea aka Hardy Blue Passion Flower. They will get a darker blue, mine are right now. I'm not sure why this picture is so pale. You'll enjoy that 1, its fun and pretty, ez to work with.

Thumbnail by JLD_II
Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

I will try the loose soil in a pot. My daughter said she wants it to grow up over her swingset. Yes, I know it's poisonous. She is very good about not eating plants. How big a pot would you recommend?

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Passionflower is poisonous? Nah, I've eaten on the fruit of everyone I've ever had. The worst thing I've had is a sour pucker from some fruits. I would slowly continue potting it up until it gets bigger and mine usually max out at approx. 3 gallon pot. I don't think it would ever get any bigger than that in your area. You want to be careful to not overwater until it gets bigger or you'll get rootrot and thats no fun. You can go to the larger pot now, just make sure you never leave water in the saucer or bottom water tray until you know it will drink it all. I take saucers off many pots to ensure the bottom doesn't stay too wet. Its also a good idea to put a couple inches of gravel or even styrofoam peanuts along the bottom of the pot to ensure good drainage. Those will keep the holes in the bottom of the pot from clogging too. They're pretty easy plants to grow.

Camilla, GA(Zone 8b)

I see you use the word "HARDY" that makes me think that maybe it will survive here. My Bleeding Hearts come back. Of course I know that every few years we get a hard winter that wipes out allot of semi-hardy things. I think I am going to take a chance on it and see. Thanx for the response.

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Hiya Bobby. I used the word hardy only because it is in the name and not the vine IMO. Anytime I've looked up that vine, its always named "Hardy Blue Passion Flower" but it is not nearly as hardy and Incarnata or lavender lady IMO. It can't handle my full day sun w/o the buds suffering, I have to grow it in 1/2 day full fun and 1/2 day indirect sunlight of it doesn't bloom. The ones I have the best luck with are P.Lavender Lady,P. Incarnata and P. Belotti. They will handle any weather they get and Lavender lady continued to bloom after several frosts! Incarnata is the only 1 that can survive my winter and it won't bloom after a frost. How does that work I wonder? Plants are something else and are always teaching me something new, ESPECIALLY when I think I have them all figured out!

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

JLD - Thanks for the info! I read that in some climates you have to be careful because the sucker after being in the ground for a couple years. You sure are right about plants teaching you new things.

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

We get tons of suckers off P. Incarnata but the lawn mower takes care of those no problems.
I started another thread awhile back asking for help to ID a passion flower I had that popped up in a pot over winter. I had a pot at the beginning of winter that had nothing more than a handful of white roots left in the soil as the vine had frozen off. I brought it indoors and had the tiniest vine come up then followed by more and more and it's now a good sized plant. I went to repot it the other night and found a ID tag on the bottom of the pot. It was Hardy Blue Passion flower that had died off completely, or so I thought. I was so amazed to see those tiny hair sized roots produce a plant. It was by no means a root big enough to be called a tubor or anything like that. I think that is another reason they call it Hardy Blue, possibly the main reason they call it hardy IMO. I had cuttings of that same plantpotted up with a couple other passie's only to have the non hardy blue's be crowded out bigtime. That thing will get unruley in ideal conditions. It has some 5 bladed leaves almost 6 inches from stem to tip, that's huge in my book. I'll say its hardy

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Her is a newer picture o the vine that started this thread. Someone asked me if it has any red in it, I said no but I think i was mistaken. I'm a tad colorblind but I think I see a lil red hue in the center of the petals. What do Ya think?

Thumbnail by JLD_II
Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

I was at Lowe's today and saw a few passion flowers and had to look. They were ALL labeled "passion flower" with a picture of a pale incarnata and the description of P. Caerulea describing it's "Blue crown". They we obviously caerulea leaves on all but 3 and they're either Incense, Belotti as they all had 3 lobed leaves and the dried up blooms I saw hinted at those colors. I think 1 maybe Amethyst as it as really dark blue so I snagged it just in case. I have Amethyst or Amethystina but I've yet to see it bloom so I'm not sure. Hopefully the weather will get strait and give these babies a chance. Here is 1 more picture of the above Clematis. Please let me know if you can tell what ity is.

Thumbnail by JLD_II
Andrews, NC(Zone 6a)

You have us all curious. I did a little research and here's my input. I Think you have a Richard Pennell which is a cross between
the Vyvyan Pennell and the Daniel Deronda. A good way to tell is if the sepals are overlapping. Or of course it could be one or the other of the aboved mention.

Good Luck


Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

I do see a little reddy purple. Wow, she's purty.

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