Fig bush, not doing anything?

Windsor, Ontario, ON(Zone 6b)

Hello, I have a fig, unknown what type, and although it has really striking branches, it's still not doing anything...

The previous home owners told us that it bore figs last year, just fine. I would swear that it's shot up dramatically in terms of branch height, but none of the buds have popped, and it scarcely has any.

Should I have pruned it back? Should I still?

Here's a picture of the big boy....I'm sure it'll look very dramatic if it flourishes!

I scratched it far down a branch and it was green. Near the ends they're dry and brittle....but that's where the buds are.



Thumbnail by storybookmum
Longboat Key, FL

Just a suggestion:

Prune two of the stems back to one-third their height. Make the cuts just above one of their nodes (the places where the previous leaves shot out.) You can also use the pieces you've cut off: plant them after first trimming the tops off to just below the dead, dried tips. Dispose of any of the tissue without a green cambium layer (the green stuff under the bark.)

Pray ! And wait.

If this forces a new shoot, follow with the rest of the plant.

Sleepless in Princeton

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)


Figs are subtropicals and are better suited to warmer climates, but they can be successfully grown in colder climates provided they are heavily mulched and are planted in a good location. It should be getting as much sunlight as possible, too. It probably hasn't come out of dormancy yet or it might have some root damage due to frost. Prune back all the branches by at least a third as Flyboy suggests. Fertilize it as well. Don't go overboard with it, though, or you'll get vegetative growth but little or no fruit. Next year mulch before the first frost to protect the roots. As long as the roots remain healthy, it will resprout. Figs like plenty of water when they are actively growing. Even when dormant, they should not go completely dry. There's more root damage in winter when the roots are dry.

Windsor, Ontario, ON(Zone 6b)

Thank you both! I've pruned, and will let you know how it goes. Good to know that it'll be thirstier than I might think, too!

The previous owner told me I'd need to net it to avoid birds stealing the figs, but I'm quite content to let them feast (though I'll defend my berry bushes to the death!)....I'm hoping for a garden that will really lure birds and butterflies, and apparently the fig was quite a draw last year.

I appreciate your replies!


Conway, SC(Zone 8a)

Good advice from everyone. I have two figs that are hard to keep in check. Both are basically understory trees that only get full sun part of the day and both put out figs like crazy. I noticed in your photo the grounds looks Very Dry. Please mulch heavily and water, water, water. If the soil is as dry as it looks, your fig is bearly surviving. It won't produce until it is no longer under stress. The two I have never get fertilized or watered, but they live under a canopy of tall trees and the rotting leaves on the ground provide them with the nutrients and moisture they need. I have to prune them back a little every year to keep them from overtaking the driveway. both are 15 ' tall as as wide.

Good Luck.
strangebob in SC

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