Favorite ornamental part shade trees?

San Jose, CA

I've already determined that I'm going to get some more japanese maples, but I'm wondering about other ornamental trees that I should consider. I'm looking for smaller understory trees, under 12 feet if possible. They would get part shade or dappled shade.

Any suggestions?

Oakland, CA(Zone 9b)

You might want to check out shrubs. Under 12' is more in the shrub range rather than tree height.

I've recommended these before, but the red or pink cestrums take as much or as little pruning as desired, get between 8-12' high, and are real hummer magnets. My pink cestrum flowers year-round in the Oakland hills area. They do beautifully in dappled shade.

The taller Abutilons would work, but mine take a fair amount of water to look good.

Hibiscus is often found in standard form, and makes a lovely small tree.

Tibouchinas, either T. heteromalla or T. urvilleana, can be trained as tree standards, and would love your warmer temps with partial shade.

San Jose, CA

Thanks for the tips. I don't think I've ever seen the Tibouchinas before. Those look really pretty. The cestrum looks beautiful too.

I think I'm going to try a dogwood tree too, since they won't get much taller than 15 feet.

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