Suggestions for vines for shade

San Jose, CA

I just got a new fence put in and it needs coverage, badly. One area has a thin strip of soil in front of it (around 10 inches deep). Here's the hard part--the fence is north facing and is also shaded by an oak tree, so I need something that can take shade. I don't care that much about flowers in this case, just something that will look good and perhaps brighten the shady area.

Any suggestions?

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

I have asarina growing in full shade, it has been there for 3 years & has not been affected by winter & blooms all the time. I have it growing up the trunk of my magnolia tree & it gets really far up there.
I have it growing up another tree trunk too, but that area did get affected my the winter. But it is all coming back again.
Neither one if these gets any sun, even though it is listed as sun/part shade.
Here is where I originally bought my seed & has some good pics of the blooms:

And here is a pic of my tree trunk:

Thumbnail by PudgyMudpies
San Jose, CA

That is pretty. Does it die back in the winter?

I was hoping for something evergreen, but I could always weave in other vines that are deciduous.

I read that trumpet vines can take part shade. I was wondering if it could take more shade than that in California. The spot I'm looking at isn't deep, deep shade, but the vine wouldn't get any direct sun.

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Well, the one in the pic did not die back, but the one on my other tree did. But they are perennial and do come back. Maybe a clematis in with it? I actually grow 9 of mine in shade & get lots of blooms.

Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

How about Schizophragma? It looks like a climbing hydrangea and it wants to be in the shade. It will get to be 20 or 30 feet tall and has nice blooms that look like the blooms of a lacecap hydrangea. They're usually white, but Schizophragma rosea has pink blooms.

Some of the other vines I grow in the shade are white potato vine (Solanum), Podranea brycei, Lapageria rosea, wisteria, passiflora, bignonia, and several different types of clematis. I think the blue ones and the white ones do better in the shade.

San Jose, CA

Thanks for the list Zuzu. How much shade does your bignonia take? I like the looks of it and the fact that it is evergreen.

Nearby I saw someone growing a Carolina Jasmine on a north facing wall similar to mine. It was actually blooming and looking really healthy.

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

Tracy...I have started looking into are some for the shade
The nursery is in Healdsburg and I am hearing very good things about them. It might even be fun to take a trip to it. ShirleyMD would like to see it when she comes out in June....maybe we could plan one!

Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

The bignonia is under a black walnut tree, so it's in full shade after April. Carolina Jasmine will grow in the shade, but it has such a powerful smell that you might want to make sure that shady place is far away from your bedroom. I used to live in Piedmont. There's a lot of it there, and we had to keep our windows shut the whole time it was in bloom. It's not a bad smell, just a strong one.

I'm practically on your way to Healdsburg and would love to meet all of you. How about a visit? We could go to Sonoma Horticultural here in Sebastopol and look at all of the magnificent clematis they grow in full shade. They also sell Lapageria for about $12 in a gallon can ($9 if they're having a 25%-off sale). I've seen it on the Web for $60 for a smaller container.

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

Zuzu...that sounds great! Let's see what Tracy says...she tends to be busier than I am with a job and young children...Let me see if it would work with Shirley too for around the 11th of June...

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

This coming Sat....event at Chalk Hill...

May 22, (Sunday) at 1pm.
MARY TOOMEY - "Mary's Top Picks" - Mary will talk (and show slides) about her favorite clematis and why they are her favorites. Mary, a native of Sri Lanka, has created the Sri Lanka Childerns Orphanage in response to the Tsunami Disaster that has left so many children without homes and family. All proceeds from the lecture will go to the Orphanage.

Cost $15.00 ( includes coffee, tea and pastries).
E-mail or call 707-433-8416 to reserve a space.

Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

Picturelady, that would be super! PudgyMudpies, how about you? Is there any chance you could come over from Stockton and join us?

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

Yes, we could have a mini DG gather...there is also mmqc/Mary and Plant_fiend/Angela and kell and Happenstance/Candy not too far away!!! That would be great if we could arrange something!!!

Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

Chilidawg (Rohnert Park) and Calistoga (guess where) aren't far away either. It would be great!

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

I see that Chalk Hill is open to visitors on Wed. to Sat. 10-4pm. Would a week-day work for you (and others) or would it need to be on Sat.?

Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

Any day is fine for me. I work at home, at night, so my days are always free.

One warning in case anyone's allergic. I have lots and lots of cats and most of them demand physical contact from anyone that comes over.

San Jose, CA

I'd love to join you guys, if I can arrange it. I've been working pretty much every weekday and weekends are for kiddie events like baseball games. Let me know what you work out. I definitely can't do Mondays.

How far are these places?

Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

Ohhh, road trip! I work at home too and am flexible for weekday trips. Weekends are pretty much booked it seems. Next weekend our Daylily Regional in Rocklin with 3 garden tours, June 11th an open house for a new daylily club, June 30-July 4th in Cinncinatti OH for the daylily national Convention with 2 days of garden tours plus hopefully visits with other DG members, Badseed, Melissa-Oh. and I got to give some together time with DH on some of those other weekends!
I also can carry a total of 8 in my vehicle if ya all want to pitch in for gas so we can nursery shop together. Lots of room in the back for goodies!

Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

This sounds ideal! There are a lot of good nurseries near my house, most notably Sonoma Horticultural, Vintage Gardens, Harmony Farms, Deja Vu, Emerisa Gardens, and lots of others. If it's a really hot day, we can always zip back to my house between nurseries and park our purchases under a big tree in the shade. It'll free up some room for more purchases and keep the plants from getting too hot while we shop.

Someone just told me today that there's a great iris nursery up here too. I'll look into it and let you all know the name.

Also, please ask your friends and neighbors if they want water hyacinths. As long as you're coming up here, you can just fill up some plastic bags with them. I'll find a way to get rid of those suckers yet. I hate to throw plants away.

Chico, CA

Zuzu, would water hyacinth ship ok to Chico? I would love some and would gladly pay for shipping....Dottie

Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

Dottie, I don't know how well they ship, but that isn't the problem. I don't have a car, so I really can't offer to mail these things to anyone. Even if I had UPS pick up the package, I still would have to walk a few miles into town to get the packing materials, and it's just too much hassle, especially now that the days are getting hotter. I'm getting way too old to walk down the highway on a hot day. Sorry.

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