Can anyone help me w/ out of control Jostaberry?

Ashton, IL(Zone 5a)

Jostaberry is a cross between currant and gooseberry. They are a bit tart and have seeds like a seeded grape -I pictured using them for jam but haven't ever gotten enough at a time to do that. Well the darn bush has spread 6 feet in every direction from the trunk, reaching crazy branches out all over the place. Plus, it's leaning like a drunken sailor so I have it bungeed to the fence (it's in the corner of the yard). I'm considering either pruning it hard ( and would like some advice as to how much I can cut off this year) or putting the whole thing out by the curb.

Any ideas? (Help!)


Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

A hard prune is always better then just to toss - if it does not make it you where going to toss it anyway right? Just my thought - Mitch

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

The information I found on Jostaberry says it's a prolific producer. You said you have it in the corner of the yard, presummably next to a fence. It is possible that it may not be getting enough sunlight. Cutting out one or two old branches and pruning back long droopy branches may help direct the energy toward producing fruit. Supposedly, they are not difficult to root. Try rooting either cuttings or pin one of the long branches into a pot full of potting soil until it roots. Make a slight cut on the part of the stem that's buried. Plant the rooted cutting in a sunnier location to see what happens.

Ashton, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the ideas. I guess the consensus is to prune - so I'll take out the most light-blocking branches now, then after the harvest I'll prune it way back & see what happens. Thanks!


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