Let's see some veggie pics Shall we!!!

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Hot dog!!! Jealous here!

Victorville, CA

Ok here's my pic of my milkjug/soda bottle garden. Those are hot peppers and sweet peppers under them and then some Rutger tomatoes. It's just about time to start taking them off there. In the background is Jellybean toms to the right and beefmaster to the left. The bottoms are cut off thos 5gal. containers, they make great wind breaks and so far, rabbit repellants. Silver Queen sweet corn is in the upper right corner.

Thumbnail by Juli64
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

boy you have beautiful soil, and no weeds, i'm jealous it's so neat looking.

Victorville, CA

I have no idea why there aren't weeds but I'm not gonna mention this outloud where the garden can hear me. We bought two truckloads of compost to ammend the whole thing. We still have mounds of the stuff sitting off to the one side. I don't think my DH realized how much he was buying until they delivered it. DH likes clean straight rows and I like circles. I did the artichokes planted at an angle in the corner and then put the pea tripod and morning glory/moonflower tripod at an angle to try to offset the straight rows. And then there is my arch in the arbor it adds roundness.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

LOL! When your done with him, can I have your DH? I'd kill for that garden! Mine's small, but neat, and I used all bagged soil - and I'm full of weeds - grrr!

Victorville, CA

My DH can't do any heavy work because he got hurt last summer. My little 4,6 staure did the 6.1 hp tiller to do the garden. I'm sure it looked funny to the neighbors as it dragged me along behind it. Son in law did the arbor for me and he and my daughter helped me put up the chicken wire fence. DH waters faithfully twice a day and shoots rabbits in the butt w/bb gun. He does alot of the maintaining of the milk jugs and we both planted seeds. It's a collaberative effort. I wonder if we don't have weeds because of the compost we used?

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Whatever the reason, it looks great! Can't wait to see it all filled in and plump with fruit!!!

Here's my work-in-progress...

First the raised bed (after weeding for quite some time this afternoon!

Thumbnail by Sequee
Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Then my pea fence, etc.

Thumbnail by Sequee
Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

And EarthBox row!

Thumbnail by Sequee
Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

My bean tower...

Thumbnail by Sequee
Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Sequee, it's all looking great up there in NYS. And I am really quite envious of what appears to be your absolutely beautiful stone house in the background. It just looks so solid and substantial and possibly dating back a few centuries. Does it date back to Revolutionary times?

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

No, it's really fairly new - built in 1921. The place is just fabulous, and I got such a dealt on it I can hardly believe it! I've been here 4 years on July 3, and I still pinch myself every time I come home! I had a sign made for the outside that reads: Welcome to the Fairy Tale House!

Thumbnail by Sequee
Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

It really is a fairy tale house. The stone reminds me of some old homes in the Hudson valley area that date back to the 1700's, made out of a slightly reddish pink stone. So glad someone nice like you is having the pleasure of living there and beautifying it with your gardening efforts.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

I always thought it would be great to have an old stone Cape...now I do, and I love it. Gotta love the Wishing Well, too!

Oops - sorry for hijacking the thread...gotta do something while I wait for these veggies to grow!

Thumbnail by Sequee
Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

It was I that diverted you, I just had to ask about your beautiful stone house.
Back to veggies.

Thumbnail by roseone33
Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Ohhhh, what a pretty kitty!

You seem to have an incredible amount of space...now I'm envious!

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

A little of our bounty we offered for sale last Thursday.

Thumbnail by CountryGardens
Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

Wish our Market had that kind of selection. Guess it would be a long trip...but by the looks of your produce it would be worth it.


Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Bernie, I'm in awe!!! Lovely prodoce!

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