Let's see some veggie pics Shall we!!!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

My artichokes are looking grand, can't believe their growing so fast.

somebody want to weed them ? LOL

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Flanders, NJ(Zone 6a)

Kathy, those Chokes are real nice, but I'll pass on the weeding. These puppies are about 2 weeks away from being introduced into their new environment.

Thumbnail by HotPepperDan
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

what are these? I have some artichokes still too small to plant outside, maybe in a nother week, those seedlings look great

Flanders, NJ(Zone 6a)

Kathy, I'm sorry, these, or those, are Zukes. My Bad, Danny

Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

heres some pictures of my garden, my best yet,this is just a small part of it

Thumbnail by starfly
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

hey that looks great,

here's an update of my garden, I have little yellow squash and zuchinni coming on, and picked spinach twice and picked all the heads of the brocolli off and now i'm getting babies . the artichokes are growing leaps and bounds. it's really cloudy, bad picture, didn't realize it was so dark

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Are those sunflowers on the right? It looks good there, I love growing my own food!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

yep, they come up on their own every year, LOL I just leave the ones that are on the rows and till er the ones that are in between the rows.

Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

you got a nice looking garden,ive picked some yellow squash and just started picking my blue lake bunch beans, got a big dishpan full. waiting on my speckale butterbeans now,there blooming and have a few beans, okra is not doing nothing

Dry Ridge, KY(Zone 6a)

Great looking plants everyone. I wish I could grow artichokes here in KY. I tried one year but I don't think we have a long enough season.

I have a few pictures to share. I've posted them on my blog, you can see them here http://kerryz-garden.blogspot.com/

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Your pic isn't too dark at all! In fact I think its very good!

BTW, were in the same zone and my plants aren't nearly as big as yours. Perhaps y'all have had a warmer Spring than us. We've had to re-plant several veggies.

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

oh starfly must you rub it in??? LOL!!
I am sitting here wiping drool off my keyboard! I am fantasizing about your fresh greenbeans and speckled butterbeans [my faves!!]

Oh brother!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I had so many butterbeans when I was a kid, I swore I'd never grow them and I haven't grown them yet LOL

I had a lady stop by today and compliment me on my garden, wanted to know what I did to get things so big, LOL, I said horse poop she laughed. that 'll work. no one's garden around here is going like they were last year, we had to replace cantelope and a few watermelon, too cold one night and it zapped them, but not the tomatoes. that's all we had to replace. I remmber a few years ago we had our garden out by the middle of february, haven't been able to do that sinc e then, weather is so unpredictable these days. our weather is in the 90's already, it was like 78 today though, wonderful for working in the yard. I hate to see what summer's going to be like

Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

this is the first year that my garden is really doing any good,sure hope i don,t lose them like i usually do, didn,t plant nothing last year, we had nimetoeds
to take over our garden year before last ,everything was growing so good then all off a sudden all the life started draining out of them,i pulled them up and on the roots look like big sweetpotoes hanging on them,i was toled it was nimetoeds, do any one have a idear how to really get rid of them,there in the dirt

Victorville, CA

My garden looks silly. We've had some horrible winds so to protect everything we put cups and liter soda bottles and milk jugs over everything. Looks like a field of litter in neat rows. The soda bottles and milk jugs are making really great mini green houses though.

Norcross, GA(Zone 7a)

eggplant, tomato, green pepper, cantaloupe, zinnia, cosmos and marigold ... and tongue depressors.

This message was edited May 15, 2005 12:40 PM

Thumbnail by atlr
Miami, FL(Zone 10b)

Here's a quick shot of this morning's pickins from the bean row - Flip

Thumbnail by aries44
Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)


Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Here is my garden so far, a tray of Candente sweet peppers ( free seeds from Totally Tomatoes) - and a popscicle stick! I have to wait almost two weeks here before setting them out.

Thumbnail by se_eds
Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh Flip, I was hoping you and Tplant would feed me from your gardens when I come to FL. My trip has been postponed so you will have to eat my share:)


Audubon, PA(Zone 6b)

se_eds..........you sure know how to grow popsicle sticks!! Oh, and the peppers look great too!! BTW... the Pruden's Purple you traded me sprouted nicely and are looking very healthy. Reely looking forward to tasting their fruits. Our nites are still in the 40's here. Happy gardening!!

Miami, FL(Zone 10b)

Well Kim, Tplant and I were getting all prepared. He was bringin' the maters and I was doing the rest of the veggies. Guess we'll have to wait for your next trip but. Have a nice day! - Flip

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

cottonpicker - they are hugh tomato stalks. Need two or three stakes usually.

Audubon, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the warning, see_eds. I hope mine grow as big.

Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

thought i would show you some new garden pictures now

Thumbnail by starfly
Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

heres another

Thumbnail by starfly
Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)


Thumbnail by starfly
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

starfly your garden is looking beautiful


Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

thanks kathy,trying to keep grass out is the pits. its comeing in really good ,
both kind of squash is relly producing, ive done everything with them,things i never new you could do , lot of help from this site they know a lot.next week will start picking purple hull peas and speckael butter beans,done been picking pole beans and blue lake bush beans, getting started on tomatoes now

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

yeah, those weeds are a killer to deal with, wish there was something we could do about them besides hoe them LOL

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Hello, all. I just had to share these pictures because this is the site that has helped me the most as a beginning gardener. I grew these tomato plants from seed, organically. They are flowering now and any day I should start to see baby tomatoes. Around the outside edges I'm growing either beans or nasturtiums.

Thumbnail by loba70
Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Okay, here's one more tomato plant...

Thumbnail by loba70
Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

hi lobo,
thoese are some nice tomatoes plants.im no good with seeds,i planted some to start with but when i transplanted them they died. so i went and bought mine.whats your secrets far such pretty planta

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

really, starfly, i'm super new at this, but i started them under a cheap lamp set-up indoors and then tranplanted them into the pots you see and fed them a slow-release 14-14-14 fertilizer and mixed in some compost with the potting mix. they are doing the rest. i guess we'll have to wait and see if they really are a success by giving me some tomatoes! i'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

im learning gardening is really hard but so much fun.keep up what your doing ,you must be doing the right thing cause they sure look good,you will probably get a lot of tomatoes ,wishing you lots of luck.the first time the hardest

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Hi Loba,

You are pretty near me -I am just north of Germantown. Those are some healthy looking tomatoes! Congratulations. Let us know when your babies have babies. This is my second year and I cannot wait until August/Sept!!

I am thinking you might want to move the nasturtiums as they can get quite large. I speak from experience. I am going to move a rosemary tonight that has been covered over with nasturtiums! The beans need about 18 inches room...I think maybe more pots are in your future:)


Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Here are my nasturtiums taking over my tom thumb lettuce and a prostrate rosemary you can barely see now. Is that lettuce big enought to cut now?


Thumbnail by bluekat76
Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Mine are just pitiful compared to all these. I would be embarrassed to submit any photos! I think I am always too afraid to plant too soon, so I don't get them in the ground soon enough. Or maybe I'm not fertilizing right. :(

My potatoes are doing okay but of course those are covered. lol


Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Great photos...I feel a powerful hunger comin' on!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

here's my bounty today, that one cauliflower in the back looks yellow in the picture, but in true life it's pure white, must be the camera.

im in squash heaven LOL no tomatoes yet though

Thumbnail by kathy_ann

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