Hardy Yellow Iceplant

Loveland, CO(Zone 5b)

Let me preface by saying 1) I have no idea what I'm doing :) and 2) I will also post this on the Cactus and succulent board


My uncle has this "Yellow Hardy Iceplant" http://davesgarden.com/pf/go/64212/index.html growing in his backyard. We were over there for dinner and my daughter stepped on it and knocked off a shoot with some root start-ies hanging off. So, I wrapped it up in some paper towels and brought it home (actually another unidentified succulent, too). But now I don't know what to do with it! I really like how it's shimmery like that and I'd like to grow it in a pot (apartment dweller). Can you guys tell me how to accomplish this? Thanks so much!


Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Good Morning Sarah,

You are lucky the piece you got has some roots on it. Just take your pot with potting soil and put the roots in the soil.

You could even plant a cutting without the root but it would take a little more time to take hold. Water plant when soil is dry about once a week.


Loveland, CO(Zone 5b)

Thank you so much! You guys are sooo helpful. I actually got quick response on both boards...you guys are awesome. I'm confident I can fix it up right, now! :) Thank you!


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