Japanese Maple Transplant

Cary, NC(Zone 7a)

I had to move a J. Maple in the Fall that was overcrowded in the spot it occupied. Now it is in the yard with lots of growing room but it is very slow leafing out and some of the end leaves seem dried out.

It is in a good space for access to water and hydration. Can you tell me what might be wrong? Does it need extra hydration and more nutrition?


Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

I don't know, but I've heard tell that they really resent being moved. I don't have one, yet. All you can do is to give it some time, or maybe talk to a local nursery?? It might just be pouting.... Good luck, please post your results with this tree. Thanks.

IA Z5a

Westminster, MD(Zone 7b)

When you transplanted the maple you cut off a lot of roots that it used to draw water and other nutrients out of the soil. Now that it cannot get all it wants and needs, leaf dieback occurs.

You need to ensure your plant is getting enough water - and enough nutrients. Once it reaches an equilibrium between roots and leaves, it will come back in a hurry.

good luck!


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