The Legend of Dogwood Winter

New York & Terrell, TX(Zone 8b)

The rural people of Appalachia are keen observers of nature and weather. Over the years they’ve accumulated a wealth of knowledge concerning seasonal weather lore. One of these legends concerns a natural phenomenon that occurs each spring known as “dogwood winter.” In April, the Appalachian landscape is starred white by the blossoms of the dogwood tree. But during this blooming, there is always a cold spell, which brings a dramatic drop in temperature and an occasional snow flurry. This became known to the old-timers as dogwood winter, and I’ve observed it too, occurring almost every year without fail. Farmers and gardeners expect it and curtail planting until warmer weather returns. See if you can learn more about the weather lore in your area. It’s not only fun, but it will help you understand the cycles of nature.

~* Robin

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Robin, here in the Southern Appalachians, we are about to experience just what you describe. All the dogwoods are blooming in the understory, the weather has been mild... and now a hard freeze and snow predicted for the weekend.

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Hi darius,
Haven't heard of dogwood winter before but I will bet it's different from blackberry winter. I think we can expect that sometime during the first ten days of May. I have even seen a very spotty, light frost on early June once or twice.

Anyway....It will all be fine. Now, I'm going to try to find out where the KOA is where you and others will be camping. I'm trying to wake up and get organized to get myself in the road. I have a motel in Forsythe but don't want to sit around my room watching TV and reading all evening. I do that here so what would be the point? :-) If I don't hear back, I'll assume you're already gone and check the threads or google to find it.
See you later.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Rosemary, here's the map to the KOA... we'll be at the cabin closest to the lake. Look for my old Nissan truck w/NC tags... and maybe I'll get the rope lights up so it looks festive! We'll have a fire and a heater for warmth!

Sorry about hijacking the thread!

Thumbnail by darius
Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

A professor friend told me that when the dogwoods and blackberries flower, if it doesn't get cool there won't be a good crop of berries and/or seeds. The cool spell is necessary for them to set fruit. Guess they know just when to flower!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Hey, that makes sense! Thanks...

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