How to propagate a Japanese Maple?

Hope, BC(Zone 7a)

Can anyone give me any advice on propagating a Japanese Maple? I tried taking cuttings last fall from my larger tree, and none of the cuttings survived, I am hoping to do it again now in the spring, as I am REALLY REALLY wanting to create some Bonsai from them... I have heard so many different things about how to do it, but I know I can trust what you DG's people have to say.. :-)
Please any advice? Anyone?

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

A thread I remember reading last year sometime, said to take new growth green cuttings in Spring.
I have two I took last year that are still green, but alas rootless as of yet.
Hope someone can better answer you....and remind me :-)

somewhere, PA

they self sow like crazy. are you patient enough to start from seed?
I've got a ton of them we dug out at a friends house - she bought the
place with a gorgeous japanese maple & lots of babies all around it.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

If you avoid mowing under the trees, you will find many seedlings then let them grow in pots outside until they are big enough to plant. They are rather hardy, so they don't like the indoors.

Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

I have a bloodgood but I want one of the red lacy leafed ones. They have a couple at Wendy, I could snip off a....(I did not say that) :)

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Let me check mother's yard in Charlotte, I potted up 20 last year and gave them away.
So, you happen to help "shape" Wendy's tree after dark, we won't tell.
Does your name mean you are a distric attorney in Charlotte?

Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

No, I live in S.C. but maybe we dont use our real names here on Daves so that no one can find us to prosecute for our "plant crimes" ! LOL

That would be so wonderful, look and see if I have anything you might like in trade. My mom and I look at them at Lowes often but the $50-$75 price makes up have to walk on by :)

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Shew, since you aren't a DA, lol.
Evidently you aren't aware of our Dumpster Diving series of threads in the seed saving forum. We have room on our bus for you. When you can't sleep the series is a good all-night read.
I'll be in Charlotte sat. Where is Pickens? I know I've been through it, but don't remember exactly where.
I want Butterfly and Hummer flirt plants, if I can find you some babies.

Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

Pickens is about 30 miles northwest of Greenville or about 25 minutes from the NC/SC state line. Lots of folks pass thru here on their way to the mountains. Dont know if I have anything you need. Will have to look. :)

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

I found these seed hanging from DM's tree this Morning. Does Wendy's have any?

Thumbnail by sugarweed
Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

I don't think those are lace leaf enough for whoever. I think you need seeds and you need to put them in the refrigerator for a couple of months, well maybe a month and a half to trick them into thinking they went thru winter and spring is here.


Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Okay, I agree they aren't lacy enough.
I'll chill them.
I got 20 seedlings out of the yard too.

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Are Japanese Maple tree seeds true to the parent?

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Don't know. There is a company tht sends me Maple info but I don't remember who they are. If I get anything from them again I will send whoever wants one an email. Can't send it over Daves.


Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

Here is a lot of info on propagating jap maples for you to read: [Good place for info, just ignore the trying to sell the nursery business that is on his website.]

Jeanette, One of my BF lives down there and works in Greenville, so we've prob passed through there too.

My yard is small, but I wouldn't mind couple for bonsai or to keep pruned smaller. Can understand the fascination with them, since they are neat. Good luck w/propagating them everyone. ~ Suzi :)

Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

Had to toss my seedling photo in to this thread.I didn't have much luck compared to the ammount i planted,but I think mice might have helped reduce my numbers.I planted hundreds and only ended up with these.

Thumbnail by JodyC
Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

Boy; it's early I messed up my spelling real

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

They look nice. When did you plant them? Jeanette

Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

December.Just potted them in there own pots a few days ago.Jody

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

I keep falling back to what others have said here about how the Maple seeds fall from the tree on what we, as kids, called noses or wings. We would separate the seed end and put them on our noses. Don't as me why .

Anyway, those things produced trees wherever they fell. So, how come you planted hundreds and only got that many? Ain't nature wonderful.


N. Mississippi, MS(Zone 8a)

Most of the laceleaf varieties wont stay true from seed. I would look into that before spending much time on seeds.

Gardiner, ME(Zone 5a)

Does anyone know if these lacy ones are hardy in Zone 4 ?

Edit:wrong tree

This message was edited May 31, 2005 8:11 AM

Rock Hill, SC(Zone 7b)

I have purchased Japanese Maple seeds from a few different websites but they didn't even try to do anything. I won't mention any names but stay away from them. If you're as fortunate as I was last year due to a fine upstanding member of DG who sent me some seeds and 80% of them germinated & are looking good. I owe him some pictures & I know he'll read this so I'll send them asap friend. I've ordered seed for 2 years but never again,I believe they are old or stored wrong, either way I'll not order again unless there's some members who want to swap or sell. If interested let me hear from you.

Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

I got mine in a trade,I didn't plant all of them and they might have been old too.Supposed to be 4 different kinds,but only one kind came up.I'll have to look at the tag,not sure which one it was,but they all look different from each other.Maybe the seeds are sterile?

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Yoohoo, Charlotteda I found laceleafs on sale -50%, at Lowes In Charlotte saturday. Go check.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Sugarweed, no picture???

Good buy.


Mantua, UT(Zone 4b)

Eglantyne - I heard the lace leef maples are not as hardy as the others. They require more shade or their leaves burn and curl. I live in a 4b but I have four Japanese Maples that are recommended for Zone 5. I have them next to the house where they are sheltered and after it freezes in the winter I mulch them.

Gardiner, ME(Zone 5a)

Thanks looneylinda
( and I am writing this with a smile ) wondering why you chosoe that name ?

the reason I had ask about the tree is that we bought and planted one last year and it it did not come thru the winter the way I had hoped.
Did not mulch it ,has lots of winterkill on the top of the appr.2 1/2 foot tree .Have not actually pruned it yet because I am so very behind in gardening.
Had/have so much rain.It rained 27 out of 30 days last month and this whole week,today it is suppose to start to clear.

Mantua, UT(Zone 4b)

I chose the name because I think I am--looney that is. LOL!

The lace leef varieties need a lot of shelter in our zone. We are just a touch under what they like. Where did you plant it? Mine are next to the house on the northwest side.
I mean right next to the house. The trunks are within a foot of the foundation. I have seen
some of these trees next to a house where the back of it is trimmed off so it looks like the tree grows out of the house. The "mulch" I used was bags of leaves around the base of the plant after the ground was frozen. Three of the trees are very small so I think this also protected them from the winter winds that can be very damaging.

My favorite tree is called Golden Full Moon Maple. It has bright yellow-green leaves and red winged seeds. A 1-gallon pot was $50.00. A 5-gallon tree cost $219.00. I decided I had more time than money and got the cheaper one. I haven't dared try a lace leef.

Merrimac, WI(Zone 4b)

I haven't tried this, but I found this online:

And this on DG:

Gardiner, ME(Zone 5a)

Jasmerr Thanks ..have to check that out.Do You have any growing ? wondering since you are in the same zone as I am.

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