List of Datura Species

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Most of them like half sun exposure? I noticed mine are liking to be just on the edge of the shade to full sun.

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Bumping this thread for all of us who have questions in reqard to varities of Datura


Tucson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Judy, thanks so much. Wow, what a collection there!!!

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the list and the bump. Didn't realize there are sooo many. Elaine

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Thanks Judy for bringing this back up.

Clare... wonderful information. Thank You


Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

We have new Datura Posters so I thought I would bump this thread back up to the top. I have requested that it be considered as a "sticky", always at the top of the Forum.


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I'm new to all this daturas stuff but the flowers look great and I think I'm going to give them a try. I've notice that the white ones look just like moonflowers. The seed pods look the same too. Are they related? Is there much difference between duturas and brugs? Does anyone know if its better to buy seeds from Ebay or go though a store on the internet? I'm interested in the double yellow and double purple. Thanks


Gloucester, MA

Does anybody have any datura or brugmansia seeds they would be willing to trade for Datura Stramonium aka Jimsonweed?

Pueblo West, CO

This is Datura Discolor right?

Thumbnail by SUNNYAZ
Blanco, TX(Zone 9a)

What a great thread. I have learned so much, and would love to try
many of the Datura varieties. I have only Datura Metel a lavendar color,
single bloom, which after a month, has failed to germinate. Watch-
I'll go check after this posting, and find it's come up!

Would anyone like to share any of the black currant swirl, or one of
the double yellow variety seeds? Clorintha or possibly fastuosa?

I have some flowering shrub seed, other than datura, I could share.

This message was edited Sep 18, 2007 3:28 PM

(Jan) So Milw, WI(Zone 5b)

Does anyone have seeds for the yellow (doesn't matter is it's single, double or triple) dats in exchange for postage reimbursement? I currently have a dat with huge purple-tinged leaves (very similar looking to the 3rd picture from the top) and tons of bloom buds which are in various stages of "about to open" but are testing my "patience"...OPEN ALREADY!!! LOL...........

Thanks for any consideration!
Jan...who is, in actuality, an impatient gardener :)

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

is there really a red datura? do you have a picture of that one?

Coal Center, PA(Zone 6a)

Could this be rubra?
The blooms are pinkish with darker on the outside.
These were not in full sun. They only got morning sun til about noon-1.

Does anyone have a photo of rubra?

Lake George, MN(Zone 3a)

An excellent source of Datura seeds is J. L. Hudson, Seedsman ( I have had excellent success with their Dats (also everything else they offer)!! For a few dimes more, you should order the Datura seeds treated with Gibberllic Acid (GA-3).. Those are the seeds that have a"G" at the end of their ID #. All of these are listed as $3.00 each packet - generous amount ot seeds! The postage for 1 - 20 packets is only $1.50 , 21-40 packets is only $2.00 (this is not per packet, but rather, the whole batch!) The processing time is really fast - about a week. Once you order from them, you will get their catalogue in December every year - no pictures, but very accurate descriptions. You will be very pleased!!!!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

I'm new to this thread ... I have fallen in love with Daturas!!!

I would love to have one or 2 of each. The picture is my first Datura. What its perticular name is ... I haven't got a clue. Can any one help?

When I got this plant, it had seed pods on it. I didn't know what it was until 4 months after I had it. And unknowing about Daturas I thought it was an Angel Trumpet (Brug...).

I would love to trade with some one... I only have 15 seeds. I traded 1/2 of them and planted the other 1/2 already. Any color or kind would be great.

I'm still learning about them. Is there any helpful hints or tips to keep them overly happy :)

Thumbnail by bsgardens
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I am new to brugs and daturas. I just bought this one, but it had no name. Can any one help ID her please.
Right now it is about 3 foot tall, and it has it's 2nd bllom. It is duoble yellow, and maybe triple. I know the pictures are fuzzy, but I will try to get better ones later.
Linda Kay
side view

Thumbnail by taters55
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

top view

Linda Kay

Thumbnail by taters55
Justin, TX

I have alot of Daturas. They were given to me by a friend years ago when she moved. She gave me some seeds. I had no idea what they were but they were pretty and smelled great. With the help of you folks from DG I now know what they are. I have some seeds but they are old and I do not know if they would do anything so I would not like to share them, but in the late fall early winter I hopefully will get more and I will be glad to share. Through the years mine podded like gangbusters. I have found through experience they don't transplant well, I was succesful with transplanting some but, they are fussy about it. Are they for yall?

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I just transplanted 16 seedlings, and all but 2 have made it so far. One of them all of about 6 inches tall, has a tiny bud on it. So far they are all doing well. I am going to the east texas roundup, Oct 11, in Tyler, Texas and will trade them there.
Linda Kay

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

datura seeds are viable for 40 yrs.

Justin, TX

Wow! I guess I will bring them to the roundup.

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

Mavie I planted seeds a year old and they germinated for me.

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