Saving pea and bean seeds

Ada, OK(Zone 7a)

I'm new to gardening. I was hoping somebody could tell me if peas and beans can be grown side by side without danger of their cross-pollinating? I want to grow:

Phaseolus vulgaris - bush or pole beans
Pisum sativum - peas
Vigna unguiculata - cowpeas or southern peas
Cicer arietinum - chickpeas or garbanzos
Vicia faba - fava beans or broad beans

They're all in the Papilionaceae family but different genera. I have them all seperated by at least one non-leguminous plant. Thank you.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

You're just fine...none will cross pollinate. Now, if you are growing more than one cultivar within each might get a cross..but if there's just one of each, you've got no problems.

A good book to get is Seed To Seed by Suzanne Ashworth. It goes into detail about all sorts of edibles and their requirements for saving pure seed. What I like best about it is that it is written where a normal person can understand don't have to be a botanist to be able to read it.

Click on the Garden Bookworm tab at the top of the page and read about it....members here give it good reviews.

Woodland Park, CO(Zone 4b)

I second Seed to Seed. Best $25.00 I've ever spent and an invaluable resource.
I've since seen it offered on Amazon (used) for about $15.

Edited to say:
Since different cultivars will cross among themselves I always try to plant (especially beans) same colored seeds farther apart, saving different colored seed for the closer plantings if I'm really space limited. Although not 100% foolproof it's pretty effective as it makes seeing a potential cross easier. I always do try to seperate cultivars by a taller and/or non-legume crop as well.

This message was edited Apr 17, 2005 9:08 AM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hmmmm, Caron, can you see a cross in the appearance of this year's bean pod? People have been telling me in the other forums that cross-pollination won't affect this year's tomato/squash/pepper, but if you save the seeds the cross will show up next year.

Woodland Park, CO(Zone 4b)

They are correct and this applies to beans and peas as well.
However, the seed (unlike tomatoes/peppers) will show crossing if the different varieties are differently colored. For instance a brown speckled variety planted next to an all white seeded one may show all white beans without brown mottling indicating a cross has taken place.

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