The colors of Spring

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

I can't believe how fast Spring has sprung here. And the earliness is causing combinations of new growth in colors that I've never had the pleasure of seeing before. What's happening in your gardens?

Thumbnail by mickgene
Cape Cod, MA(Zone 7a)

How beautiful, Michelle. Not much happening here yet. Here is my dicentra:

Thumbnail by oceangirl
Northwest, MO(Zone 5a)

That's really pretty...what are the curly wooden stems?

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

Cindy, Thanks for the compliment. I don't think I've seen that dicentra before. Is it an eximia cultivar? It has a lovely pink color that I don't get on mine (which I noticed yesterday already has flower buds, too.)

Deb, That's a Harry Lauder's Walking Stick. Looking back a the pic, since 3 of the 4 things in it are shrubs and trees, it probably should have been in that forum.

But here's something else that should be in another forum, but since i've already started this, I'll just post it here. Daffodil 'Replete' that I thought was deformed when the buds first started to pop out. There are so many petals, it had to fully open up before it looked "normal."

Thumbnail by mickgene
Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

mick--love your beautiful photography--especially the dicentra and the Harry Lauder. Very 'artful'. Also like your daff--I have never seen a 'replete'--and I think I must get some. Thanks for posting. t.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

I went out to check on the one Dicentra I have left after a neighbors dog destroyed most of my shade seems to be happy in its new home...:)

What else is blooming out there....??? I am off to find out..LOL ;)

Thumbnail by jamie68
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

Another shot of the bleeding heart

Thumbnail by jamie68
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

...And the last's just so pretty today...;o)

Thumbnail by jamie68
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

Here are some Tulips, some Ajuga 'Chocolate Chip', and two different Clematis growing like crazy - Also some new Gladiola shoots just coming up...this area will be quite active in a month or two.....

Thumbnail by jamie68
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

I also found a Columbine blooming, that wasn't in bloom 2 days ago....I have always these Grandma always had them in her gardens....I always have several growing in mine....

Thumbnail by jamie68
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

And last but not least - these two Heuchera 'Strawberry Swirl' are getting ready to bloom thier heads off....they only sent up a couple of flower stalks last year, but this year they must have 15-20 each....should be quite a show!

Thumbnail by jamie68
Cape Cod, MA(Zone 7a)

Michelle, That is a gorgeous daffodill.
My dicentra is just like yours, a regular bleeding heart, it looks pink when it first comes up. I have one with white flowers too, but it looks very different when it breaks ground.

Thumbnail by oceangirl
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)


Your Daff 'Replete' is one of the prettiest I have ever seen.....After looking online I finally found some to order on-line...already looking forward to planting them this Fall! :) Thank-you so much for sending out those pics, I had never seen anything like those daffs...and your dicentra is gorgeous!

It is so cool to see those shots of the Dicentras as they are just pushing through...and they look so diferent. Are those little tiny shoots on the lower pic....really cool!!
Have a great day!

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

You're sooo lucky to have all that color already. Thanks for all the pics to keep me going on "what's yet to come." When I lived in the Seattle area in the '80's, I wasn't into gardening. I sure missed out on a lot, I can see. (But then I had such huuuuge slugs in my yard, they probably would have been a continuous battle.) I want to see that clematis in bloom. What variety is it?

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

Are you able to have Columbine that is long-lived? I tried it a few years ago it came back only one year. The reading I did at the time made me think it needed much drier conditions than I was ablt to give it, so I haven't tried it again. Love the color combo on the one in your pic.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

Michele ~

I have pretty good luck with my columbine - they either come back or reseed themselves in the same spot ( and some surprises!) that I don't have to replace them often. I have about 6-7 varieties....and since they are a bit "promiscuos" I do get some very interesting seedlings sometimes...all the better, seeing new colors is fun, and if I don't want it there they pop out easily and can be moved, or removed...:o)

The Clematis in the pic....there are two in that spot growing and intertwining....are 'Bees Jubilee' and 'Jackamanii Superba'...they are sooo pretty in bloom together! I will post a pic, when they are blooming thier heads off, for ya...;o)

I really love your Daffodil 'Replete'! I have never seen one quite like it, do you mind my asking where you got them? I found it at Brecks, and ordered some, but wondered if there was another source as some of the bulbs I have gotten from them have been less than successfull....let me know...

ps. this is one of my favorites....Aquilegia alpina....I love this color of blue wherever I can find it, and finding it on a columbine is even better...LOL ;o)

Thumbnail by jamie68
Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

Hi Jamie,
Breck's is where my 'Replete' came from last fall. I ordered when they sent out their coupons in August or early September. I think I only ordered 6 bulbs, but I have 16 flowers; a much better production than I'd expected the first year. I hope they don't decline. I don't know much about bulbs so still have some research to do. The squirrels around here get many of them but I've taken to planting each group in a chicken wire cage; so maybe that's why I got so many more than I was expecting???
That's a really nice Columbine alpina. I've not seen it before, I think. Does it get that many blooms at a relatively young age?

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

Michele ~

Oh good, if you got your 'Replete" daffs from Brecks then the ones I ordered from them should be a lot like yours...and I really like yours...;o)

Yes, Aquilegia alpina blooms quite profusely at quite a young age. My plants were planted 3-4 weeks ago and were quite small, like 3-4" containers.....and you see the blooms, and the buds coming on...quite a lively display!

Have a great week!
ps. these are 'Cheerfullness', at least I was told they were...;o) They sure cheer me!! LOL

Thumbnail by jamie68
Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

They are cheery!

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Here are a couple of my earliest blooming perennials. On the left is Anemone Sylvestris and on the right Autumn Beauty Iberis. I love them both because they bloom heavily in the spring and then again in the fall. I love the blue Columbine above. Blues are so pretty in the garden.


Thumbnail by lincolnitess
Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

I like those 2 flower forms together, Susan.

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