need suggestions on what to plant in this???

Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)

I got this big black container thingy off of my mom who was gonna throw it away. Thank God i was there before she did. I drug it from around her pool and got the hose out and sprayed it off and loaded into my car..She says to me, "what in the world are you gonna do with that?" I told her to wait and see, well about a month passed bye and she said what did you do with it, anything yet, I said not yet..well bout 2 weeks ago I finally did something with it. I will post a pick of it with this. I got a household sponge and cut it into squares and got some "plaid' paint, the kind they use for stencils, and just put squares all the way around it so it looks like small bricks.Anyway back to the question. I was wondering if there was anyway i could plant say 2 small tomatoes plants in there. I tried having a garden last year and all the work i put into digging it and weeding it planting...well to say it nicely it all died :o( so i said never again, I will just stick to my houseplants. So do you think that would be big enough to plant tomatoes in?
I left the flowering bush in the background cause i dont know what it is and was hoping someone could identify it for me.
Thanks everyone,

Thumbnail by red_princess_71
Lomita, CA(Zone 10a)

There are specific tomato plants for containers that would be perfect. Cute paint job, by the way!

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

For a list of tomato varieties especially suited for containers you mght check with Very ingenious transformation you achieved!

Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

BTW-- the bush looks like an azela but a closer pic would be better...

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Looks like an azalea to me, too.

I'd go for a single grape or cherry tomato plant since you are a newbie to planting vegetables in pots. One big stake in the pot and it will provide hundreds of fruits you can pluck off while out in the garden.

Nice paint job!

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Great paint job and tomatoes would do well in it. Last year we had an awful raining summer that the only reason I got tomatoes was that I had bought a patio tomato and had put it in a bigger container. I had enough tomates to suit me. This year I want to try and plant some tomatoes in metal garbage cans. In one of my container gardening magazines thats the in thing to do this year. Tomatoes like warmth and the metal garbage cans will heat up nicely.
:) Donna

Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks for all the wonderful ideas...I went out and bought a couple tomatoe plants yesterday...there were however 2 plants in each little cup so now i got 4 in there. We will see how it does. My sister is a garden enthusiast and says they will do fine...I will include a pic with is and let you all see what it looks like. i also bought a hot bananna pepper plant and planted it in a big planter...again wish me luck...I have had no previous luck in growing any food type plants.

The 1st pic will be the tomatoe one

Thumbnail by red_princess_71
Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)

This is the bananna pepper one

Thumbnail by red_princess_71

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