Looking for Germination Methods for Hibiscus

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

I do not know what type of Hibiscus these are - someone sent me the seeds. What is the best way to do this, and what kind of soil/medium should I use? (Gardenias called for lime-free).

I used Experts potting soil in the lower half of a gal milk jug. Once the seeds were planted I put them on my hoop table where everything is in bright, diffused light and gets misted every other day. http://davesgarden.com/forums/fp.php?pid=1350191 (I need to post an updated picture as the seedlings are now huge with at least one set of true leaves on them.)

Hope this helps,


Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)


Do you know what "Experts" potting soil consists of? Sometimes they list it on the label. I have never seen that kind of potting soil here in Spokane.

I have so many seeds I need to get started today. My Morning Glories, Nasturtiams, some Daisies, the Hibiscus, Lupins, and who knows what else I may think of when I go through this seed bag.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


I know your zone is far different than mine and the way you keep them warm and lighted will be somewhat different, but this is what I did.

On March 25th, in 4 - 2 inch pots, I put Scotts potting soil, for seed starting. I just placed the seeds a bit below the soil line and sprinkled a little more over the top of them. Gave them some water and just set them down on the floor of my patio on this low clay container. (there just happens to be dirt in the container) In 3 days 4 had germinated. I watered them every couple days. Now, less than a month later, there are 21 seedlings. 2 or 3 are starting their second set of leaves right now.

Our temps here since March have been no lower than 58 at night and no more than 85 during the day. The patio is screened in facing the east so they have high light in the morning and medium light for the rest of the day.

Without looking at the ingredients list on the bag, this Scott's soil seems to be potting soil mixed with spaghnum moss to make it a bit more light weight.

I posted these over in the Hibiscus forum. I was waiting over there for an answer on "What do I do next". Maybe if you don't mind, I can wait over here with you for a response?

Donna are you watching too? and how are yours doing?

Karrie, also a few days ago I took a seedling flat using the same soil mix, put in Gaillardia, Yellow Bauhinia, Bronze Fennell, Trailing Lantana, Ice Plant and Columbine seeds. The first 3 have germinated and the last 3 have not yet. I had cling wrap over the top of the flat until I saw germination, then I took it off. They also are out on my patio.

Is it okay if I wait with you?


Thumbnail by MollyMc
Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)


I get my 'Expert' potting soil at Wal-Mart. The bag says this:

"INGREDIENTS: This potting soil is formulated regionally from Canadian sphagnum peat moss and materials (derived from one or more of the following: reed-sedge peat, composted forest products, or composted rice hulls), hoticultural perlite, a wetting agent, and lime for proper pH balance. Product may vary slightly from region to region.

In Georgia, this product contains 40%-50% Canadian sphagnum peat moss, composted forest products, hoticultural perlite, a wetting agent, and lime for proper pH balance.

In California, this product is regionally formulated from Canadian sphagnum peat moss, composted forest products, hoticultural perlite, a wetting agent, and lime for proper pH balance."

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Here are my hibiscus seedlings. I planted them a month ago today. (I had planned to transplant them to 4" pots a couple days ago, but my uncle died this weekend so my time has been spent with that...)

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Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

Thanks everyone for the info and the pictures! It is nice to know what to look for! I was going to plant them today, but the News guy was here for a very long time doing a shoot on a kitty family living in a tree.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


Which ones did you plant a month ago, the big ones? Would you look above at my picture and tell me if mine are ready for potting up yet?



New York & Terrell, TX(Zone 8b)

Hmmmm.... So the kitties have their very own tree house ....eh? Do they have a nest or what? I hope they post it on the internet, .. ? I'd like to see it. Wild cats? Bobcats or ferral? Do you feed them?

~* Robin


Believe it or not, all 8 varieties were all planted on the same day and treated exactly the same way.

Yours look like they only have seed leaves. My personal rule of thumb, and what I've heard from others, is to wait until the seedling has at least on set of true leaves before transplanting them.

BUT I could be wrong.


Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


I had heard something like that too, but what are "true" leaves?

2 or 3 of these are sprouting a new one up through the center of the first ones. Would the second set of leaves be the true leaves?

This is my first really good success at getting this far. (Not counting herbs and veggies) I don't want to hurt them. I have no more of these seeds.


Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

The mama kitty found a "hole" in a tree and had her babies in it - about 12 feet or so up. I noticed it there yesterday. The news guy came and was here for a very long time trying to get footage. They just called me and said he got good footage and it would air between 6 & 7 tonight.


The first set of leaves are what is called 'seed leaves', any leaves after that are true leaves.
Your seedlings look great and I'll bet you'll do just fine with them.

So, Karrie, has the cat or kittens gone Hollywood yet? ;->

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Thank you Donna, that helps me a lot.


Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

lol! It aired, and I was HORRIFIED! I looked so very tired! I'd just woke up. I was hoping he'd cut me out, but he didn't. Kitties are going to be a popular item here in Spokane and find good homes - because me and my neighbor are going to make sure of it!

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