When should I start looking for arabis seed?

Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

My Arabis just bloomed and it seems like the flowers vanish quickly that I never get the seeds. When should I be looking for the seed?

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Mobi, sorry if this is belated, but I just noticed your thread. Arabis has a seed pod that resembles a little pea pod. The seedsd inside are flattish, and when the seed pod falls apart, the seeds usually adhere to one side of the pod. I don't expect to see seeds until after all the blooms have been spent for awhile and the pods turn brown. I hope that helps.

Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

Thank you so much. They are in full bloom right now and I want to collect as much seed as possible.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Generally, here in my Zone 3, the seeds won't be ready until late summer. The seed heads are pretty unsightly, if that bothers you, so you can always deadhead and buy or trade seed, if that bothers you. They grow very well here and bloom about the time the tulips are blooming. I have white ones and pale pink ones. There is also a dark pink variety that goes by the name 'Spring Charm'. You might also like aubrieta. It is another rock cress that is a little less hardy here, but comes in shades of blue, deep pink, and purple.

Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

Right now we are having spring. Tulips and other bulbs are blooming. Other things are greening up but have not bloomed yet. Our last frost is in mid May. I may try growing some other rock cress later this summer for next years spring.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Arabis are easy to grow from seed, and if they are grown in a moist area, they will form air roots along the stem. You can cut these off and plant them, or just bury that part of the stem to start a new plant.

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