
Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Did a quick count of my Dat babies this morning before work
23 dbl wht
9 dbl yellow
17 Lilac
4 raspberry Swirl
7 dbl/tpl purple

I will NOT have room for all of these in the gardens.
Anyone ever ship dats before?

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

never had dats. befor I do have seeds planted in my little green house, yours sound wonderful, never heard of the Rasberry swirl. if you find you can ship dats throw me a white one please LOL

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Certainly! :-)

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Way to go!!!! Tell everyone how you planted your seeds, please.


Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

I used the Deno method (paper towel / freezer bag) for some, and others I Winter sown in seed mix out in the cold frame.

Yazoo City, MS(Zone 7b)

How long did it take for them to germinate? I had some for a couple of months, but I gave up on them.
That Raspberry swirl does sound delicious!


Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

I sowed some out doors in January, and a second round in February. The ones sown indoors took about 10 days or so I'd guess.
Did you soak yours before planting? Had they been stratified? (cold treated)

I'm hoping the raspberry swirl is as gorgeous as it sounds.....I have a feeling it's just another name for Blk Currant Swirl, whicj is fine with me, as that one is awesome too. :-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 7b)

Congrats on all your dats!! I planted my double purples in mid January- they finally germinated in mid-March !! They really needed more warmth than I was able to provided at the time. Thank goodness I didn't give up on them as I got 100% germination :) I'm going to try 3 outside and one inside as a container plant.

If you need to give away any of your double yellows or the lilacs- let me know, may be able to work a trade out w/you for some seeds I have :-)

I have heard that Raspberry Swirl IS the same as Black Currant Swirl - drop dead gorgeous from the pix I've seen!
best regards,

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

I'll keep ya in mind for trades once these babies grow up a bit. :-)
Thanks for clarifing the raspberry/blk current swirl issue....figured as much.


Frederick, MD(Zone 7b)

Thanks, Marc! By the time the dats are bigger I'll have some assorted annual and perennial plants large enough as well as having seeds for trading.
Here is a helpful thread from the Coleus forum that talks about methods of preparing plants for shipping:


Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Okay, I am a little slow....LOL. Tell me how you do the seeds once more please. Can they be sown in the garden once the ground is warm or do you have to start them indoors and move them outside...do you just wet the paper towel and put the seeds in and place them in a baggie or do they go into the fridge at all? Sorry, I have never tried them and don't want to waste the seeds I have of these beautiful flowers! Thanks so much!

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

These seem to pretty hard to screw up :-)
I sowed some directly in the garden, others I sowed in one of my cold frames, and a few I germinated in the house in a baggy sealed wet paper towel with bottom heat. All three ways have worked very well for me.
I'd say though since you say you have limited seeds and don;t wish to take chances, that you germinate using the wet paper towel sealed in a ziplock baggy (DENO method)
Good luck! :-)


St. Paul, MN(Zone 4b)

Congratulations Marc. Your enthusiasm for dats is definitely contagious!


Joseph, OR(Zone 5a)

If you have any extra white, I would take a couple off your hand, I can send you some seedling as well. Lemme know! My whites, had one pop up, but many, many, many blk currants!


Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Erick, did you germinate any of the seeds I sent you last Fall?

J, I'll let ya know how the seedlings do, I maybe interested in swapping a couple whites for a couple of your blk currant
I have 4 raspberry swirl (another name for blk currant), but should they not make it I will be wanting replacments. :-)

Milo, IA(Zone 5a)

Hey Guys: This is 'Raspberry Swirl' also known as 'Discolor'.
Isn't she a beauty. She has a nice aroma too. Give her room, she matures to bush size of about 4 ft. tall and about as wide.

Thumbnail by Debby
Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

COOL! Can't wait to see mine grow up. :-)
Thanks for posting it.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3a)

Debby thanks for the photo! I have 2 so far that have germinated. Riker did you think the cotyledons seemed different then the metals? Joelle

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Mine were winter sown, so really didn't get a good look. What was different about them?

near Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

Debby that looks like Datura tatula. Is that the same thing? I'm confused, help.

And does anyone have extra double/triple purple seeds? I have extra double/triple yellow.

Does everyone stratify their seeds?

This message was edited Apr 8, 2005 12:16 AM

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3a)

Riker, Here is a pic- the ones in the back are metal, the two on top on the left are the Raspberry( narrower cotyledons) it is hard to see in the pic but very noticeable in person. The ones in the front in the cups are Datura- Goree Island. Joelle

Edit= bad speller

This message was edited Apr 7, 2005 11:31 PM

Thumbnail by IMCANADIAN
Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

I see....very interesting.

Milo, IA(Zone 5a)

Luckpup: Raspberry Swirl are different than Tatula. They are both Somniferums as the seeds are black.
Raspberry swirl seeds are black with a white dot on one side.
Tatula seeds are all black and the bloom is smaller on Tatula.
Tatula's bloom has light purple stripes in the throat, where R. Swirl has the purple blotch.
The leaves are also different with R. Swirls leaves being softer and fuzzy.
Also, Raspberry Swirls are harder to germinate.
Tatula germinates very easy and will reseed itself all over. I have to pull Tatulas out of the garden by the hundreds every spring.
With R. Swirls I only have a couple come up from seed every spring.

Frederick, MD(Zone 7b)

Luckpup, just sent you an email re your request for seed exchange :-)

St. Paul, MN(Zone 4b)

Hello Marc.

Four of the five Dat "flavors" you sent me last fall have now sprouted! I'm just waiting on the Black Currant Swirl. I have the seedlings under lights and they look GREAT! Planting time just can't get here soon enough.


Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh I'm so glad buddy. :-) Hope the BCS sprouts soon for you....it is a hard one to get to germinate.

I am rather sad with mine this morning. I forgot to close up the cold frame last evening and slugs got in and chewed down almost all of my Dat babies.
I now only have:
3 dbl wht
1 Dbl Yellow
2 Lilac Le Fluer
0 raspberry swirl (very sad:-()
2 Dbl Purple

Luckily I have more seeds....so I'm starting over

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Dang!!! I'm so sorry!!!


Kingston, OK(Zone 7a)

LOL on me. I have two flats of Daturas and do not know what I planted where.
Marked the lids and got them mixed up and even then which way they go on the flat. Next time will use little markers in the flats.
Will know when they bloom. I wanted only three or four of each kind. Going to have a lot of plants to plant somewhere.

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

TA you sound like me. I didn't have the room to start seeds inside so I'm about to plant them outside. I checked and a couple of seeds I let fall last year have produced strong little plants so it's time.


St. Paul, MN(Zone 4b)

Marc, my condolences on your Datura setback. You were so generous with the seeds last fall that I still have plenty of several colors. Please don't hesitate to let me know if you would like me to send them back to you. I would be happy to do so.


Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh I'll be fine Erick thanks just the same......I have plenty of seed so have started some more today. :-)


Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)


How are the second batch of seedlings coming along?


Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

I am having no luck at all with them.......it seems I've lost my touch :-( Most of the last ones either didn;t germinate at all, or the seedlings just haven;t been thriving.
Thanks for asking though.
I am hoping the seeds I planted directly in the garden will be popping up soon.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

How about an update? How are you doing. I almost cried at your loss!

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Does anyone have any extra Raspberry Swirl for trade? Please.
:) Donna

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Have a few that are doing well....several lilac le fluer and some dbl wht,.
No yellows, no purple, and no raspberry swirl /blk currant.
Enough for this year....I'll try more colors and varieties again next season.


Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

PerennialGirl - why don't you open up a thread on this forum asking for a trade. If I had some I would send them your way.


Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Gee, Mar5c - that stinks! At least you have 2 different colors. I will be thrilled if I can even get 1! It's my first year for flowers and I've just had one adventure after the other!

Have a great summer!

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Thanks doll......I'll be happy with the two varieties this year. My garden is so dang full I really don't know where I would
have put them all anyway. :-)
Good luck with yours.....they really are very easy to grow (once they get going).

Bay City, MI(Zone 5a)

ACK, I just looked again, none of the datura seeds are comming up?? I don't know why?? RATS, almost all of them were generously given to me from RickBear :), MMMMMMMHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA:(sniff, sniff.....

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